Package 'COINr'

Title: Composite Indicator Construction and Analysis
Description: A comprehensive high-level package, for composite indicator construction and analysis. It is a "development environment" for composite indicators and scoreboards, which includes utilities for construction (indicator selection, denomination, imputation, data treatment, normalisation, weighting and aggregation) and analysis (multivariate analysis, correlation plotting, short cuts for principal component analysis, global sensitivity analysis, and more). A composite indicator is completely encapsulated inside a single hierarchical list called a "coin". This allows a fast and efficient work flow, as well as making quick copies, testing methodological variations and making comparisons. It also includes many plotting options, both statistical (scatter plots, distribution plots) as well as for presenting results.
Authors: William Becker [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: William Becker <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.1.14
Built: 2025-02-27 07:04:20 UTC

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Weighted arithmetic mean


The vector of weights w is relative since the formula is:


a_amean(x, w)



A numeric vector.


A vector of numeric weights of the same length as x.


y=1wiwixiy = \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i x_i

If x contains NAs, these x values and the corresponding w values are removed before applying the formula above.


The weighted mean as a scalar value


x <- c(1:10)
w <- c(10:1)

Copeland scores


Aggregates a data frame of indicator values into a single column using the Copeland method. This function calls outrankMatrix().


a_copeland(X, w = NULL)



A numeric data frame or matrix of indicator data, with observations as rows and indicators as columns. No other columns should be present (e.g. label columns).


A numeric vector of weights, which should have length equal to ncol(X). Weights are relative and will be re-scaled to sum to 1. If w is not specified, defaults to equal weights.


The outranking matrix is transformed as follows:

  • values > 0.5 are replaced by 1

  • values < 0.5 are replaced by -1

  • values == 0.5 are replaced by 0

  • the diagonal of the matrix is all zeros

The Copeland scores are calculated as the row sums of this transformed matrix.

This function replaces the now-defunct copeland() from COINr < v1.0.


Numeric vector of Copeland scores.


# some example data
ind_data <- COINr::ASEM_iData[12:16]

# aggregate with vector of weights
outlist <- outrankMatrix(ind_data)

Weighted generalised mean


Weighted generalised mean of a vector. NA are skipped by default.


a_genmean(x, w = NULL, p)



A numeric vector of positive values.


A vector of weights, which should have length equal to length(x). Weights are relative and will be re-scaled to sum to 1. If w is not specified, defaults to equal weights.


Coefficient - see details.


The generalised mean is as follows:

y=(1wiwixip)1/py = \left( \frac{1}{\sum w_i} \sum w_i x_i^p \right)^{1/p}

where p is a coefficient specified in the function argument here. Note that:

  • For negative p, all x values must be positive

  • Setting p = 0 will result in an error due to the negative exponent. This case is equivalent to the geometric mean in the limit, so use a_gmean() instead.


Weighted harmonic mean, as a numeric value.


# a vector of values
x <- 1:10
# a vector of weights
w <- runif(10)
# cubic mean
a_genmean(x,w, p = 2)

Weighted geometric mean


Weighted geometric mean of a vector. NA are skipped by default.


a_gmean(x, w = NULL)



A numeric vector of positive values.


A vector of weights, which should have length equal to length(x). Weights are relative and will be re-scaled to sum to 1. If w is not specified, defaults to equal weights.


This function replaces the now-defunct geoMean() from COINr < v1.0.


The geometric mean, as a numeric value.


# a vector of values
x <- 1:10
# a vector of weights
w <- runif(10)
# weighted geometric mean

Weighted harmonic mean


Weighted harmonic mean of a vector. NA are skipped by default.


a_hmean(x, w = NULL)



A numeric vector of positive values.


A vector of weights, which should have length equal to length(x). Weights are relative and will be re-scaled to sum to 1. If w is not specified, defaults to equal weights.


This function replaces the now-defunct harMean() from COINr < v1.0.


Weighted harmonic mean, as a numeric value.


# a vector of values
x <- 1:10
# a vector of weights
w <- runif(10)
# weighted harmonic mean

Aggregate data


Methods for aggregating numeric vectors, data frames, coins and purses. See individual method documentation for more details:


Aggregate(x, ...)



Object to be aggregated


Further arguments to be passed to methods.



An object similar to the input


# see individual method documentation

Aggregate indicators in a coin


Aggregates a named data set specified by dset using aggregation function(s) f_ag, weights w, and optional function parameters f_ag_para. Note that COINr has a number of aggregation functions built in, all of which are of the form ⁠a_*()⁠, e.g. a_amean(), a_gmean() and friends.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  f_ag = NULL,
  w = NULL,
  f_ag_para = NULL,
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  by_df = FALSE,
  out2 = "coin",
  write_to = NULL,



A coin class object.


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


The name of an aggregation function, a string. This can either be a single string naming a function to use for all aggregation levels, or else a character vector of function names of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure. In this latter case, a different aggregation function may be used for each level in the index: the first in the vector will be used to aggregate from Level 1 to Level 2, the second from Level 2 to Level 3, and so on.


An optional data frame of weights. If f_ag does not require accept weights, set to "none". Alternatively, can be the name of a weight set found in .$Meta$Weights. This can also be specified as a list specifying the aggregation weights for each level, in the same way as the previous parameters.


Optional parameters to pass to f_ag, other than x and w. As with f_ag, this can specified to have different parameters for each aggregation level by specifying as a nested list of length n-1. See details.


An optional data availability threshold, specified as a number between 0 and 1. If a row within an aggregation group has data availability lower than this threshold, the aggregated value for that row will be NA. Data availability, for a row x_row is defined as sum(!, i.e. the fraction of non-NA values. Can also be specified as a vector of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure, to specify different data availability thresholds by level.


Controls whether to send a numeric vector to f_ag (if FALSE, default) or a data frame (if TRUE) - see details. Can also be specified as a logical vector of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure.


Either "coin" (default) to return updated coin or "df" to output the aggregated data set.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Aggregated".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


When by_df = FALSE, aggregation is performed row-wise using the function f_ag, such that for each row x_row, the output is f_ag(x_row, f_ag_para), and for the whole data frame, it outputs a numeric vector. Otherwise if by_df = TRUE, the entire data frame of each indicator group is passed to f_ag.

The function f_ag must be supplied as a string, e.g. "a_amean", and it must take as a minimum an input x which is either a numeric vector (if by_df = FALSE), or a data frame (if by_df = TRUE). In the former case f_ag should return a single numeric value (i.e. the result of aggregating x), or in the latter case a numeric vector (the result of aggregating the whole data frame in one go).

Weights are passed to the function f_ag as an argument named w. This means that the function should have arguments that look like f_ag(x, w, ...), where ... are possibly other input arguments to the function. If the aggregation function doesn't use weights, you can set w = "none", and no weights will be passed to it.

f_ag can optionally have other parameters, apart from x and w, specified as a list in f_ag_para.

The aggregation specifications can be set to be different for each level of aggregation: the arguments f_ag, f_ag_para, dat_thresh, w and by_df can all be optionally specified as vectors or lists of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index. In this case, the first value in each vector/list will be used for the first round of aggregation, i.e. from indicators to the aggregates at level 2. The next will be used to aggregate from level 2 to level 3, and so on.

When different functions are used for different levels, it is important to get the list syntax correct. For example, in a case with three aggregations using different functions, say we want to use a_amean() for the first two levels, then a custom function f_cust() for the last. f_cust() has some additional parameters a and b. In this case, we would specify e.g. f_ag_para = list(NULL, NULL, list(a = 2, b = 3)) - this is becauase a_amean() requires no additional parameters, so we pass NULL.

Note that COINr has a number of aggregation functions built in, all of which are of the form ⁠a_*()⁠, e.g. a_amean(), a_gmean() and friends. To see a list browse COINr functions alphabetically or type a_ in the R Studio console and press the tab key (after loading COINr), or see the online documentation.

Optionally, a data availability threshold can be assigned below which the aggregated value will return NA (see dat_thresh argument). If by_df = TRUE, this will however be ignored because aggregation is not done on individual rows. Note that more complex constraints could be built into f_ag if needed.


An updated coin with aggregated data set added at .$Data[[write_to]] if out2 = "coin", else if out2 = "df" outputs the aggregated data set as a data frame.


# build example up to normalised data set
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "Normalise")

# aggregate normalised data set
coin <- Aggregate(coin, dset = "Normalised")

Aggregate data frame


Aggregates a data frame into a single column using a specified function. Note that COINr has a number of aggregation functions built in, all of which are of the form ⁠a_*()⁠, e.g. a_amean(), a_gmean() and friends.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  f_ag = NULL,
  f_ag_para = NULL,
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  by_df = FALSE,



Data frame to be aggregated


The name of an aggregation function, as a string.


Any additional parameters to pass to f_ag, as a named list.


An optional data availability threshold, specified as a number between 0 and 1. If a row of x has data availability lower than this threshold, the aggregated value for that row will be NA. Data availability, for a row x_row is defined as sum(!, i.e. the fraction of non-NA values.


Controls whether to send a numeric vector to f_ag (if FALSE, default) or a data frame (if TRUE) - see details.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Aggregation is performed row-wise using the function f_ag, such that for each row x_row, the output is f_ag(x_row, f_ag_para), and for the whole data frame, it outputs a numeric vector. The data frame x must only contain numeric columns.

The function f_ag must be supplied as a string, e.g. "a_amean", and it must take as a minimum an input x which is either a numeric vector (if by_df = FALSE), or a data frame (if by_df = TRUE). In the former case f_ag should return a single numeric value (i.e. the result of aggregating x), or in the latter case a numeric vector (the result of aggregating the whole data frame in one go).

f_ag can optionally have other parameters, e.g. weights, specified as a list in f_ag_para.

Note that COINr has a number of aggregation functions built in, all of which are of the form ⁠a_*()⁠, e.g. a_amean(), a_gmean() and friends. To see a list browse COINr functions alphabetically or type a_ in the R Studio console and press the tab key (after loading COINr), or see the online documentation.

Optionally, a data availability threshold can be assigned below which the aggregated value will return NA (see dat_thresh argument). If by_df = TRUE, this will however be ignored because aggregation is not done on individual rows. Note that more complex constraints could be built into f_ag if needed.


A numeric vector


# get some indicator data - take a few columns from built in data set
X <- ASEM_iData[12:15]

# normalise to avoid zeros - min max between 1 and 100
X <- Normalise(X,
               global_specs = list(f_n = "n_minmax",
                                    f_n_para = list(l_u = c(1,100))))

# aggregate using harmonic mean, with some weights
y <- Aggregate(X, f_ag = "a_hmean", f_ag_para = list(w = c(1, 1, 2, 1)))

Aggregate indicators


Aggregates indicators following the structure specified in iMeta, for each coin inside the purse. See Aggregate.coin(), which is applied to each coin, for more information


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  f_ag = NULL,
  w = NULL,
  f_ag_para = NULL,
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  by_df = FALSE,



A purse-class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


The name of an aggregation function, a string. This can either be a single string naming a function to use for all aggregation levels, or else a character vector of function names of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure. In this latter case, a different aggregation function may be used for each level in the index: the first in the vector will be used to aggregate from Level 1 to Level 2, the second from Level 2 to Level 3, and so on.


An optional data frame of weights. If f_ag does not require accept weights, set to "none". Alternatively, can be the name of a weight set found in .$Meta$Weights. This can also be specified as a list specifying the aggregation weights for each level, in the same way as the previous parameters.


Optional parameters to pass to f_ag, other than x and w. As with f_ag, this can specified to have different parameters for each aggregation level by specifying as a nested list of length n-1. See details.


An optional data availability threshold, specified as a number between 0 and 1. If a row within an aggregation group has data availability lower than this threshold, the aggregated value for that row will be NA. Data availability, for a row x_row is defined as sum(!, i.e. the fraction of non-NA values. Can also be specified as a vector of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure, to specify different data availability thresholds by level.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Aggregated".


Controls whether to send a numeric vector to f_ag (if FALSE, default) or a data frame (if TRUE) - see details. Can also be specified as a logical vector of length n-1, where n is the number of levels in the index structure.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


An updated purse with new treated data sets added at .$Data[[write_to]] in each coin.


# build example purse up to normalised data set
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "Normalise", quietly = TRUE)

# aggregate using defaults
purse <- Aggregate(purse, dset = "Normalised")

Interpolate time-indexed data frame


Given a numeric data frame Y with rows indexed by a time vector tt, interpolates at time values specified by the vector tt_est. If tt_est is not in tt, will create new rows in the data frame corresponding to these interpolated points.


approx_df(Y, tt, tt_est = NULL, ...)



A data frame with all numeric columns


A time vector with length equal to nrow(Y), indexing the rows in Y.


A time vector of points to interpolate in Y. If NULL, will attempt to interpolate all points in Y (you may need to adjust the rule argument of stats::approx() here). Note that points not specified in tt_est will not be interpolated. tt_est does not need to be a subset of tt.


Further arguments to pass to stats::approx() other than x, y and xout.


This is a wrapper for stats::approx(), with some differences. In the first place, stats::approx() is applied to each column of Y, using tt each time as the corresponding time vector indexing Y. Interpolated values are generated at points specified in tt_est but these are appended to the existing data (whereas stats::approx() will only return the interpolated points and nothing else). Further arguments to stats::approx() can be passed using the ... argument.


A list with:

  • .$tt the vector of time points, including time values of interpolated points

  • .$Y the corresponding interpolated data frame

Both outputs are sorted by tt.


# a time vector
tt <- 2011:2020

# two random vectors with some missing values
y1 <- runif(10)
y2 <- runif(10)
y1[2] <- y1[5] <- NA
y2[3] <- y2[5] <- NA
# make into df
Y <- data.frame(y1, y2)

# interpolate for time = 2012
Y_int <- approx_df(Y, tt, 2012)

# notice Y_int$y2 is unchanged since at 2012 it did not have NA value
stopifnot(identical(Y_int$Y$y2, y2))

# interpolate at value not in tt
approx_df(Y, tt, 2015.5)

ASEM COIN (COINr < v1.0)


This is an "old format" "COIN" object which is stored for testing purposes. It is generated using the COINr6 package (only available on GitHub) using COINr6::build_ASEM()




A "COIN" class object


ASEM raw indicator data


A data set containing raw values of indicators for 51 countries, groups and denominators. See the ASEM Portal for further information and detailed description of each indicator. See also vignette("coins") for the format of this data.




A data frame with 51 rows and 60 variables.


This data set is in the new v1.0 format.


ASEM raw panel data


This is an artificially-generated set of panel data (multiple observations of indicators over time) that is included to build the example "purse" class, i.e. to build composite indicators over time. This will eventually be replaced with a better example, i.e. a real data set.




A data frame with 255 rows and 60 variables.


This data set is in the new v1.0 format.


ASEM indicator metadata


This contains all metadata for ASEM indicators, including names, weights, directions, etc. See the ASEM Portal for further information and detailed description of each indicator. See also vignette("coins") for the format of this data.




A data frame with 68 rows and 9 variables


This data set is in the new v1.0 format.


Box Cox transformation


Simple Box Cox, with no optimisation of lambda.


boxcox(x, lambda, makepos = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE)



A vector or column of data to transform


The lambda parameter of the Box Cox transform


If TRUE (default) makes all values positive by subtracting the minimum and adding 1.


If TRUE, NAs will be removed: only relevant if makepos = TRUE which invokes min().


This function replaces the now-defunct BoxCox() from COINr < v1.0.


A vector of length length(x) with transformed values.


# example data
x <- runif(30)
# Apply Box Cox
xBox <- boxcox(x, lambda = 2)
# plot one against the other
plot(x, xBox)

Build ASEM example coin


Shortcut function to build the ASEM example coin, using inbuilt example data. This can be useful for testing and also for building reproducible examples. To see the underlying commands run edit(build_example_coin). See also vignette("coins").


build_example_coin(up_to = NULL, quietly = FALSE)



The point up to which to build the index. If NULL, builds full index. Else specify a building function (as a string) - the index will be built up to and including this function. This option is mainly for helping with function examples. Example: up_to = "Normalise".


If TRUE, suppresses all messages.


This function replaces the now-defunct build_ASEM() from COINr < v1.0.


coin class object


# build example coin up to data treatment step
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "Treat")

Build example purse


Shortcut function to build an example purse. This is currently an "artificial" example, in that it takes the ASEM data set used in build_example_coin() and replicates it for five years, adding artificial noise to simulate year-on-year variation. This was done simply to demonstrate the functionality of purses, and will at some point be replaced with a real example. See also vignette("coins").


build_example_purse(up_to = NULL, quietly = FALSE)



The point up to which to build the index. If NULL, builds full index. Else specify a ⁠build_*⁠ function (as a string) - the index will be built up to and including this function. This option is mainly for helping with function examples. Example: up_to = "build_normalise".


If TRUE, suppresses all messages.


purse class object


# build example purse up to unit screening step
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "Screen")

Compound annual growth rate


Given a variable y indexed by a time vector x, calculates the compound annual growth rate. Note that CAGR assumes that the x refer to years. Also it is only calculated using the first and latest observed values.


CAGR(y, x)



A numeric vector


A numeric vector of the same length as y, indexing y in time. No NA values are allowed in x. This vector is assumed to be years, otherwise the result must be interpreted differently.


A scalar value (CAGR)


# random points over 10 years
x <- 2011:2020
y <- runif(10)

CAGR(y, x)

Add and remove indicators


A shortcut function to add and remove indicators. This will make the relevant changes and recalculate the index if asked. Adding and removing is done relative to the current set of indicators used in calculating the index results. Any indicators that are added must of course be present in the original iData and iMeta that were input to new_coin().


change_ind(coin, add = NULL, drop = NULL, regen = FALSE)



coin object


A character vector of indicator codes to add (must be present in the original input data)


A character vector of indicator codes to remove (must be present in the original input data)


Logical (default): if TRUE, automatically regenerates the results based on the new specs Otherwise, just updates the .$Log parameters. This latter might be useful if you want to Make other changes before re-running using the Regen() function.


See also vignette("adjustments").

This function replaces the now-defunct indChange() from COINr < v1.0.


An updated coin, with regenerated results if regen = TRUE.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# exclude two indicators and regenerate
# remove two indicators and regenerate the coin
coin_remove <- change_ind(coin, drop = c("LPI", "Forest"), regen = TRUE)


Check iData


Checks the format of iData input to new_coin(). This check must be passed to successfully build a new coin.


check_iData(iData, quietly = FALSE)



A data frame of indicator data.


Set TRUE to suppress message if input is valid.


The restrictions on iData are not extensive. It should be a data frame with only one required column uCode which gives the code assigned to each unit (alphanumeric, not starting with a number). All other columns are defined by corresponding entries in iMeta, with the following special exceptions:

  • Time is an optional column which allows panel data to be input, consisting of e.g. multiple rows for each uCode: one for each Time value. This can be used to split a set of panel data into multiple coins (a so-called "purse") which can be input to COINr functions. See new_coin() for more details.

  • uName is an optional column which specifies a longer name for each unit. If this column is not included, unit codes (uCode) will be used as unit names where required.

No column names should contain blank spaces.


Message if everything ok, else error messages.



Check iMeta


Checks the format of iMeta input to new_coin(). This performs a series of thorough checks to make sure that iMeta agrees with the specifications. This also includes checks to make sure the structure makes sense, there are no duplicates, and other things. iMeta must pass this check to build a new coin.


check_iMeta(iMeta, quietly = FALSE)



A data frame of indicator metadata. See details.


Set TRUE to suppress message if input is valid.


Required columns for iMeta are:

  • Level: Level in aggregation, where 1 is indicator level, 2 is the level resulting from aggregating indicators, 3 is the result of aggregating level 2, and so on. Set to NA for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • iCode: Indicator code, alphanumeric. Must not start with a number or contain blank spaces.

  • Parent: Group (iCode) to which indicator/aggregate belongs in level immediately above. Each entry here should also be found in iCode. Set to NA only for the highest (Index) level (no parent), or for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • Direction: Numeric, either -1 or 1

  • Weight: Numeric weight, will be rescaled to sum to 1 within aggregation group. Set to NA for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • Type: The type, corresponding to iCode. Can be either Indicator, Aggregate, Group, Denominator, or Other.

Optional columns that are recognised in certain functions are:

  • iName: Name of the indicator: a longer name which is used in some plotting functions.

  • Unit: the unit of the indicator, e.g. USD, thousands, score, etc. Used in some plots if available.

  • Target: a target for the indicator. Used if normalisation type is distance-to-target.

The iMeta data frame essentially gives details about each of the columns found in iData, as well as details about additional data columns eventually created by aggregating indicators. This means that the entries in iMeta must include all columns in iData, except the three special column names: uCode, uName, and Time. In other words, all column names of iData should appear in iMeta$iCode, except the three special cases mentioned. The iName column optionally can be used to give longer names to each indicator which can be used for display in plots.

iMeta also specifies the structure of the index, by specifying the parent of each indicator and aggregate. The Parent column must refer to entries that can be found in iCode. Try View(ASEM_iMeta) for an example of how this works.

Level is the "vertical" level in the hierarchy, where 1 is the bottom level (indicators), and each successive level is created by aggregating the level below according to its specified groups.

Direction is set to 1 if higher values of the indicator should result in higher values of the index, and -1 in the opposite case.

The Type column specifies the type of the entry: Indicator should be used for indicators at level 1. Aggregate for aggregates created by aggregating indicators or other aggregates. Otherwise set to Group if the variable is not used for building the index but instead is for defining groups of units. Set to Denominator if the variable is to be used for scaling (denominating) other indicators. Finally, set to Other if the variable should be ignored but passed through. Any other entries here will cause an error.

Note: this function requires the columns above as specified, but extra columns can also be added without causing errors.


Message if everything ok, else error messages.



Check skew and kurtosis of a vector


Logical test: if abs(skewness) < skew_thresh OR kurtosis < kurt_thresh, returns TRUE, else FALSE


check_SkewKurt(x, na.rm = FALSE, skew_thresh = 2, kurt_thresh = 3.5)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


A threshold for absolute skewness (positive). Default 2.25.


A threshold for kurtosis. Default 3.5.


A list with .$Pass is a Logical, where TRUE is pass, FALSE is fail, and .$Details is a sub-list with skew and kurtosis values.


x <- runif(20)
# this passes
# if we add an outlier, doesn't pass
check_SkewKurt(c(x, 1000))

Convert a COIN to a coin


Converts an older COIN class to the newer coin class. Note that there are some limitations to this. First, the function arguments used to create the COIN will not be passed to the coin, since the function arguments are different. This means that any data sets beyond "Raw" cannot be regenerated. The second limitation is that anything from the .$Analysis folder will not be passed on.


COIN_to_coin(COIN, recover_dsets = FALSE, out2 = "coin")



A COIN class object, generated by COINr version <= 0.6.1, OR a list containing IndData, IndMeta and AggMeta entries.


Logical: if TRUE, will recover data sets other than "Raw" which are found in the .$Data list.


If "coin" (default) outputs a coin, else if "list", outputs a list with iData and iMeta entries. This may be useful if you want to make further edits before building the coin.


This function works by building the iData and iMeta arguments to new_coin(), using information from the COIN. It then uses these to build a coin if out2 = "coin" or else outputs both data frames in a list.

If recover_dsets = TRUE, any data sets found in COIN$Data (except "Raw") will also be put in coin$Data, in the correct format. These can be used to inspect the data but not to regenerate.

Note that if you want to exclude any indicators, you will have to set out2 = "list" and build the coin in a separate step with exclude specified. Any exclusions/inclusions from the COIN are not passed on automatically.


A coin class object if out2 = "coin", else a list of data frames if out2 = "list".


# see vignette("other_functions")

Compare two coins


Compares two coin class objects using a specified iCode (column of data) from specified data sets.


  also_get = NULL,
  compare_by = "ranks",
  sort_by = NULL,
  decreasing = FALSE



A coin class object


A coin class object


A data set that is found in .$Data.


The name of a column that is found in .$Data[[dset]].


Optional metadata columns to attach to the table: see get_data().


Either "ranks" which produces a comparison using ranks, or else "scores", which instead uses scores. Note that scores may be very different if the methodology is different from one coin to another, e.g. for different normalisation methods.


Optionally, a column name of the output data frame to sort rows by. Can be either "coin.1", "coin.2", "Diff", "Abs.diff" or possibly a column name imported using also_get.


Argument to pass to order(): how to sort.


This function replaces the now-defunct compTable() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame of comparison information.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# copy coin
coin2 <- coin

# change to prank function (percentile ranks)
# we don't need to specify any additional parameters (f_n_para) here
coin2$Log$Normalise$global_specs <- list(f_n = "n_prank")

# regenerate
coin2 <- Regen(coin2)

# compare index, sort by absolute rank difference
compare_coins(coin, coin2, dset = "Aggregated", iCode = "Index",
              sort_by = "Abs.diff", decreasing = TRUE)

Compare two coins by correlation


Given two coins, this function returns the correlation between the two coins, for target datset dset and target indicator code(s) iCodes. Correlation is calculated as the Pearson correlation coefficient, but if compare_by = "Ranks" then this is the correlation coefficient of the ranks, which amounts to the Spearman rank correlation. Set compare_by = "Scores" to return the Pearson correlation between scores.


compare_coins_corr(coin1, coin2, dset, iCodes, compare_by = "ranks")



A coin


A coin, with possibly alternative methodology. This should share at least two units in common with coin1.


Target data set, must be present in both coin1 and coin2


Character vector of indicator codes to correlate between the two coins.


Either "Ranks" or "Scores".


A list containing a correlation table and a list of comparison data frames.


# build example
coin <- build_example_coin()

# copy coin
coin2 <- coin

# change to prank function (percentile ranks)
# we don't need to specify any additional parameters (f_n_para) here
coin2$Log$Normalise$global_specs <- list(f_n = "n_prank")

# regenerate
coin2 <- Regen(coin2)

# iCodes to compare: all at level 3 and 4
iCodes <- coin$Meta$Ind$iCode[which(coin$Meta$Ind$Level > 2)]

# compare index, sort by absolute rank difference
l_comp <- compare_coins_corr(coin, coin2, dset = "Aggregated", iCodes = iCodes)

# see df

Compare multiple coins


Given multiple coins as a list, generates a rank comparison of a single indicator or aggregate which is specified by the dset and iCode arguments (passed to get_data()). The indicator or aggregate targeted must be available in all the coins in coins.


  also_get = NULL,
  tabtype = "Values",
  ibase = 1,
  sort_table = TRUE,
  compare_by = "ranks"



A list of coins. If names are provided, these will be used in the tables returned by this function.


The name of a data set found in .$Data. See get_data().


A column name of the data set targeted by dset. See get_data().


Optional metadata columns to attach to the table: see get_data(). If this is not specified, the results of each coin will be merged using the uCodes within each coin. If this is specified, results will be merged additionally using the metadata columns. This means that coins must share the same metadata columns that are returned as a result of also_get.


The type of table to generate. One of:

  • "Values": returns a data frame of rank values for each coin provided, plus ISO3 column

  • "Diffs": returns a data frame of rank differences between the base coin and each other coin (see ibase)

  • "AbsDiffs": as "Diffs" but absolute rank differences are returned

  • "All": returns all of the three previous rank tables, as a list of data frames


The index of the coin to use as a base comparison (default first coin in list)


If TRUE, sorts by the base COIN (ibase) (default).


Either "ranks" which produces a comparison using ranks, or else "scores", which instead uses scores. Note that scores may be very different if the methodology is different from one coin to another, e.g. for different normalisation methods.


By default, the ranks of the target indicator/aggregate of each coin will be merged using the uCodes within each coin. Optionally, specifying also_get (passed to get_data()) will additionally merge using the metadata columns. This means that coins must share the same metadata columns that are returned as a result of also_get.

This function replaces the now-defunct compTableMulti() from COINr < v1.0.


Data frame unless tabtype = "All", in which case a list of three data frames is returned.


# see vignette("adjustments")

Compare two data frames


A custom function for comparing two data frames of indicator data, to see whether they match up, at a specified number of significant figures. Specifically, this is intended to compare two data frames, without regard to row or column ordering. Rows are matched by the required matchcol argument. Hence, it is different from e.g. all.equal() which requires rows to be ordered. In COINr, typically matchcol is the uCode column, for example.


compare_df(df1, df2, matchcol, sigfigs = 5)



A data frame


Another data frame


A common column name that is used to match row order. E.g. this might be uCode.


The number of significant figures to use for matching numerical columns


This function compares numerical and non-numerical columns to see if they match. Rows and columns can be in any order. The function performs the following checks:

  • Checks that the two data frames are the same size

  • Checks that column names are the same, and that the matching column has the same entries

  • Checks column by column that the elements are the same, after sorting according to the matching column

It then summarises for each column whether there are any differences, and also what the differences are, if any.

This is intended to cross-check results. For example, if you run something in COINr and want to check indicator results against external calculations.

This function replaces the now-defunct compareDF() from COINr < v1.0.


A list with comparison results. List contains:

  • .$Same: overall summary: if TRUE the data frames are the same according to the rules specified, otherwise FALSE.

  • .$Details: details of each column as a data frame. Each row summarises a column of the data frame, saying whether the column is the same as its equivalent, and the number of differences, if any. In case the two data frames have differing numbers of columns and rows, or have differing column names or entries in matchcol, .$Details will simply contain a message to this effect.

  • .$Differences: a list with one entry for every column which contains different entries. Differences are summarised as a data frame with one row for each difference, reporting the value from df1 and its equivalent from df2.


# take a sample of indicator data (including the uCode column)
data1 <- ASEM_iData[c(2,12:15)]
# copy the data
data2 <- data1
# make a change: replace one value in data2 by NA
data2[1,2] <- NA
# compare data frames
compare_df(data1, data2, matchcol = "uCode")

Custom operation


Allows a custom data operation on coins or purses.


Custom(x, ...)



Object to be operated on (coin or purse)


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Modified object.

Custom operation


Custom operation on a coin. This is an experimental new feature so please check the results carefully.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  f_cust_para = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  write2log = TRUE,



A coin


Target data set


Function to apply to the data set. See details.


Optional additional parameters to pass to the function defined by f_cust.


Name of data set to write to


Logical: whether or not to write to the log.


Arguments to pass to/from other methods.


In this function, the data set named dset is extracted from the coin using get_dset(coin, dset). It is passed to the function f_cust, which is required to return an equivalent but modified data frame, which is then written as a new data set with name write_to. This is intended to allow arbitrary operations on coin data sets while staying within the COINr framework, which means that if Regen() is used, these operations will be re-run, allowing them to be included in things like sensitivity analysis.

The format of f_cust is important. It must be a function whose first argument is called x: this will be the argument that the data is passed to. The data will be in the same format as extracted via get_dset(coin, dset), which means it will have a uCode column. f_cust can have other arguments which are passed to it via f_cust_para. The function should return a data frame similar to the data that was passed to it, it must contain have the same column names (meaning you can't remove indicators), but otherwise is flexible - this means some caution is necessary to ensure that subsequent operations don't fail. Be careful, for example, to ensure that there are no duplicates in uCode, and that indicator columns are numeric.

The function assigned to f_cust is passed to, therefore it can be passed either as a string naming the function, or as the function itself. Depending on the context, the latter option may be preferable because this stores the function within the coin, which makes it portable. Otherwise, if the function is simply named as a string, you must make sure it is available to access in the environment.


A coin


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# create function - replaces suspected unreliable point with NA
f_NA <- function(x){ x[3, 10] <- NA; return(x)}

# call function from Custom()
coin <- Custom(coin, dset = "Raw", f_cust = f_NA)

Custom operation


Custom operation on a purse. This is an experimental new feature.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  f_cust_para = NULL,
  global = FALSE,
  write_to = NULL,



A purse object


The data set to apply the operation to.


Function to apply to the data set. See details.


Optional additional parameters to pass to the function defined by f_cust.


Logical: if TRUE, the entire data set, over all time points, is passed to the function f_cust. This is useful if the custom operation should be different for different time points, for example. Otherwise if FALSE, passes the data set within each coin one at a time to f_cust.


Name of data set to write to


Arguments to pass to/from other methods.


In this function, the data set named dset is extracted from the coin using get_dset(purse, dset). It is passed to the function f_cust, which is required to return an equivalent but modified data frame, which is then written as a new data set with name write_to. This is intended to allow arbitrary operations on coin data sets while staying within the COINr framework, which means that if Regen() is used, these operations will be re-run, allowing them to be included in things like sensitivity analysis.

The format of f_cust is important. It must be a function whose first argument is called x: this will be the argument that the data is passed to. The data will be in the same format as extracted via get_dset(purse, dset), which means it will have uCode and Time columns. f_cust can have other arguments which are passed to it via f_cust_para. The function should return a data frame similar to the data that was passed to it, it must contain have the same column names (meaning you can't remove indicators), but otherwise is flexible - this means some caution is necessary to ensure that subsequent operations don't fail. Be careful, for example, to ensure that there are no duplicates in uCode, and that indicator columns are numeric.

The function assigned to f_cust is passed to, therefore it can be passed either as a string naming the function, or as the function itself. Depending on the context, the latter option may be preferable because this stores the function within the coin, which makes it portable. Otherwise, if the function is simply named as a string, you must make sure it is available to access in the environment.


An updated purse.


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin")

# custom function - set points before 2020 to NA for BEL in FDI due to a
# break in the series
f_cust <- function(x){x[(x$uCode == "BEL") & (x$Time < 2020), "FDI"] <- NA;

Denominate data


"Denominates" or "scales" variables by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).


Denominate(x, ...)



Object to be denominated


arguments passed to or from other methods


See documentation for individual methods:

This function replaces the now-defunct denominate() from COINr < v1.0.


See individual method documentation


# See individual method documentation

Denominate data set in a coin


"Denominates" or "scales" indicators by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  denoms = NULL,
  denomby = NULL,
  denoms_ID = NULL,
  f_denom = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  out2 = "coin",



A coin class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An optional data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding to entries in denomby. This must also include an ID column identified by denoms_ID to match rows. If denoms is not specified, will extract any potential denominator columns that were attached to iData when calling new_coin().


Optional data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors to apply. Should have columns iCode, Denominator, ScaleFactor. iCode specifies an indicator code found in dset, Denominator specifies a column name from denoms to use to denominate the corresponding column from x. ScaleFactor allows the possibility to scale denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision. If denomby is not specified, specifications will be taken from the "Denominator" column in iMeta, if it exists.


An ID column for matching denoms with the data to be denominated. This column should contain uMeta codes to match with the data set extracted from the coin.


A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each column. By default, this is division, i.e. x[[col]]/denoms[[col]] for given columns, but any function can be passed that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Denominated".


Either "coin" (default) to return updated coin or "df" to output the aggregated data set.


arguments passed to or from other methods


This function denominates a data set dset inside the coin. By default, denominating variables are taken from the coin, specifically as variables in iData with Type = "Denominator" in iMeta (input to new_coin()). Specifications to map denominators to indicators are also taken by default from iMeta$Denominator, if it exists.

These specifications can be overridden using the denoms and denomby arguments. The operator for denomination can also be changed using the f_denom argument.

See also documentation for which is called by this method.


An updated coin if out2 = "coin", else a data frame of denominated data if out2 = "df".


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# denominate (here, we only need to say which dset to use, takes
# specs and denominators from within the coin)
coin <- Denominate(coin, dset = "Raw")

Denominate data sets by other variables


"Denominates" or "scales" variables by other variables. Typically this is done by dividing extensive variables such as GDP by a scaling variable such as population, to give an intensive variable (GDP per capita).


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  x_ID = NULL,
  denoms_ID = NULL,
  f_denom = NULL,



A data frame of data to be denominated. Columns to be denominated must be numeric, but any columns not specified in denomby will be ignored. x must also contain an ID column specified by x_ID to match rows with denoms.


A data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding to entries in denomby. This must also include an ID column identified by denoms_ID to match rows.


A data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors to apply. Should have columns iCode, Denominator, ScaleFactor. iCode specifies a column name from x, Denominator specifies a column name from denoms to use to denominate the corresponding column from x. ScaleFactor allows the possibility to scale denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision.


A column name of x to use to match rows with denoms. Default is "uCode".


A column name of denoms to use to match rows with x. Default is "uCode".


A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each column. By default, this is division, i.e. x[[col]]/denoms[[col]] for given columns, but any function can be passed that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


A data frame x is denominated by variables found in another data frame denoms, according to specifications in denomby. denomby specifies which columns in x are to be denominated, and by which columns in denoms, and any scaling factors to apply to each denomination.

Both x and denomby must contain an ID column which matches the rows of x to denomby. If not specified, this is assumed to be uCode, but can also be specified using the x_ID and denoms_ID arguments. All entries in x[[x_ID]] must be present in denoms[[denoms_ID]], although extra rows are allowed in denoms. This is because the rows of x are matched to the rows of denoms using these ID columns, to ensure that units (rows) are correctly denominated.

By default, columns of x are divided by columns of denoms. This can be generalised by setting f_denom to another function which takes two numeric vector arguments. I.e. setting ⁠denoms = ``*`` ⁠ will multiply columns of x and denoms together.


A data frame of the same size as x, with any specified columns denominated according to specifications.

See Also

  • WorldDenoms A data set of some common national-level denominators.


# Get a sample of indicator data (note must be indicators plus a "UnitCode" column)
iData <- ASEM_iData[c("uCode", "Goods", "Flights", "LPI")]
# Also get some denominator data
denoms <- ASEM_iData[c("uCode", "GDP", "Population")]
# specify how to denominate
denomby <- data.frame(iCode = c("Goods", "Flights"),
Denominator = c("GDP", "Population"),
ScaleFactor = c(1, 1000))
# Denominate one by the other
iData_den <- Denominate(iData, denoms, denomby)

Denominate a data set within a purse.


This works in almost exactly the same way as Denominate.coin(). The only point of care is that the denoms argument here cannot take time-indexed data, but only a single value for each unit. It is therefore recommended to pass the time-dependent denominator data as part of iData when calling new_coin(). In this way, denominators can vary with time. See vignette("denomination").


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  denoms = NULL,
  denomby = NULL,
  denoms_ID = NULL,
  f_denom = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,



A purse class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An optional data frame of denominator data. Columns should be denominator data, with column names corresponding to entries in denomby. This must also include an ID column identified by denoms_ID to match rows. If denoms is not specified, will extract any potential denominator columns that were attached to iData when calling new_coin().


Optional data frame which specifies which denominators to use for each indicator, and any scaling factors to apply. Should have columns iCode, Denominator, ScaleFactor. iCode specifies an indicator code found in dset, Denominator specifies a column name from denoms to use to denominate the corresponding column from x. ScaleFactor allows the possibility to scale denominators if needed, and specifies a factor to multiply the resulting values by. For example, if GDP is a denominator and is measured in dollars, dividing will create very small numbers (order 1e-10 and smaller) which could cause problems with numerical precision. If denomby is not specified, specifications will be taken from the "Denominator" column in iMeta, if it exists.


An ID column for matching denoms with the data to be denominated. This column should contain uMeta codes to match with the data set extracted from the coin.


A function which takes two numeric vector arguments and is used to perform the denomination for each column. By default, this is division, i.e. x[[col]]/denoms[[col]] for given columns, but any function can be passed that takes two numeric vectors as inputs and returns a single numeric vector. See details.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Denominated".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


An updated purse


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# denominate using data/specs already included in coin
purse <- Denominate(purse, dset = "Raw")

Export a coin or purse to Excel


Writes coins and purses to Excel. See individual method documentation:


export_to_excel(x, fname, ...)



A coin or purse


The file name to write to


Arguments passed to/from methods


This function replaces the now-defunct coin2Excel() from COINr < v1.0.


An Excel spreadsheet.


# see individual method documentation

Export a coin to Excel


Exports the contents of the coin to Excel. This writes all data frames inside the coin to Excel, with each data frame on a separate tab. Tabs are named according to the position in the coin object. You can write other data frames by simply attaching them to the coin object somewhere.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
export_to_excel(x, fname = "coin_export.xlsx", include_log = FALSE, ...)



A coin class object


The file name/path to write to, as a character string


Logical: if TRUE, also writes data frames from the .$Log list inside the coin.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


.xlsx file at specified path


## Here we write a COIN to Excel, but this is done to a temporary directory
## to avoid "polluting" the working directory when running automatic tests.
## In a real case, set fname to a directory of your choice.

# build example coin up to data treatment step
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "Treat")

# write to Excel in temporary directory
export_to_excel(coin, fname = paste0(tempdir(), "\\ASEM_results.xlsx"))

# spreadsheet is at:
print(paste0(tempdir(), "\\ASEM_results.xlsx"))

# now delete temporary file to keep things tidy in testing

Export a purse to Excel


Exports the contents of the purse to Excel. This is similar to the coin method export_to_excel.coin(), but combines data sets from various time points. It also selectively writes metadata since this may be spread across multiple coins.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
export_to_excel(x, fname = "coin_export.xlsx", include_log = FALSE, ...)



A purse class object


The file name/path to write to, as a character string


Logical: if TRUE, also writes data frames from the .$Log list inside the coin.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


.xlsx file at specified path



Get correlations


Helper function for getting correlations between indicators and aggregates. This retrieves subsets of correlation matrices between different aggregation levels, in different formats. By default, it will return a long-form data frame, unless make_long = FALSE. By default, any correlations with a p-value less than 0.05 are replaced with NA. See pval argument to adjust this.


  iCodes = NULL,
  Levels = NULL,
  cortype = "pearson",
  pval = 0.05,
  withparent = FALSE,
  grouplev = NULL,
  make_long = TRUE,
  use_directions = FALSE



A coin class coin object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An optional list of character vectors where the first entry specifies the indicator/aggregate codes to correlate against the second entry (also a specification of indicator/aggregate codes). If this is specified as a character vector it will coerced to the first entry of a list, i.e. list(iCodes).


The aggregation levels to take the two groups of indicators from. See get_data() for details. Defaults to indicator level.


Further arguments to be passed to get_data() (uCodes and use_group).


The type of correlation to calculate, either "pearson", "spearman", or "kendall".


The significance level for including correlations. Correlations with p>pvalp > pval will be returned as NA. Default 0.05. Set to 0 to disable this.


If TRUE, and aglev[1] != aglev[2], will only return correlations of each row with its parent. Alternatively, if withparent = "family", will return correlations with parents, grandparents etc, up to the highest level. In both cases the data set must be aggregated for this to work.


The aggregation level to group correlations by if aglev[1] == aglev[2]. Requires that make_long = TRUE.


Logical: if TRUE, returns correlations in long format (default), else if FALSE returns in wide format. Note that if wide format is requested, features specified by grouplev and withparent are not supported.


Logical: if TRUE the extracted data is adjusted using directions found inside the coin (i.e. the "Direction" column input in iMeta: any indicators with negative direction will have their values multiplied by -1 which will reverse the direction of correlation). This should only be set to TRUE if the data set has not yet been normalised. For example, this can be useful to set to TRUE to analyse correlations in the raw data, but would make no sense to analyse correlations in the normalised data because that already has the direction adjusted! So you would reverse direction twice. In other words, use this at your discretion.


This function allows you to obtain correlations between any subset of indicators or aggregates, from any data set present in a coin. Indicator selection is performed using get_data(). Two different indicator sets can be correlated against each other by specifying iCodes and Levels as vectors.

The correlation type can be specified by the cortype argument, which is passed to stats::cor().

The withparent argument will optionally only return correlations which correspond to the structure of the index. For example, if Levels = c(1,2) (i.e. we wish to correlate indicators from Level 1 with aggregates from Level 2), and we set withparent = TRUE, only the correlations between each indicator and its parent group will be returned (not correlations between indicators and other aggregates to which it does not belong). This can be useful to check whether correlations of an indicator/aggregate with any of its parent groups exceeds or falls below thresholds.

Similarly, the grouplev argument can be used to restrict correlations to within groups corresponding to the index structure. Setting e.g. grouplev = 2 will only return correlations within the groups defined at Level 2.

The grouplev and withparent options are disabled if make_long = FALSE.

Note that this function can only call correlations within the same data set (i.e. only one data set in .$Data).

This function replaces the now-defunct getCorr() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame of pairwise correlation values in wide or long format (see make_long). Correlations with p>pvalp > pval will be returned as NA.

See Also

  • plot_corr() Plot correlation matrices of indicator subsets


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get correlations
cmat <- get_corr(coin, dset = "Raw", iCodes = list("Environ"),
                 Levels = 1, make_long = FALSE)

Find highly-correlated indicators within groups


This returns a data frame of any highly correlated indicators within the same aggregation group. The level of the aggregation grouping can be controlled by the grouplev argument.


  cor_thresh = 0.9,
  thresh_type = "high",
  cortype = "pearson",
  grouplev = NULL,
  roundto = 3,
  use_directions = FALSE



A coin class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


A threshold to flag high correlation. Default 0.9.


Either "high", which will only flag correlations above cor_thresh, or "low", which will only flag correlations below cor_thresh.


The type of correlation, either "pearson" (default), "spearman" or "kendall". See stats::cor.


The level to group indicators in. E.g. if grouplev = 2 it will look for high correlations between indicators that belong to the same group in Level 2.


Number of decimal places to round correlations to. Default 3. Set NULL to disable rounding.


Logical: if TRUE the extracted data is adjusted using directions found inside the coin (i.e. the "Direction" column input in iMeta. See comments on this argument in get_corr().


This function is motivated by the idea that having very highly-correlated indicators within the same group may amount to double counting, or possibly redundancy in the framework.

This function replaces the now-defunct hicorrSP() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame with one entry for every indicator pair that is highly correlated within the same group, at the specified level. Pairs are only reported once, i.e. only uses the upper triangle of the correlation matrix.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "Normalise", quietly = TRUE)

# get correlations between indicator over 0.75 within level 2 groups
get_corr_flags(coin, dset = "Normalised", cor_thresh = 0.75,
               thresh_type = "high", grouplev = 2)

Cronbach's alpha


Calculates Cronbach's alpha, a measure of statistical reliability. Cronbach's alpha is a simple measure of "consistency" of a data set, where a high value implies higher reliability/consistency. The selection of indicators via get_data() allows to calculate the measure on any group of indicators or aggregates.


get_cronbach(coin, dset, iCodes, Level, ..., use = "pairwise.complete.obs")



A coin or a data frame containing only numerical columns of data.


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


Indicator codes to retrieve. If NULL (default), returns all iCodes found in the selected data set. See get_data().


The level in the hierarchy to extract data from. See get_data().


Further arguments passed to get_data(), other than those explicitly specified here.


Argument to pass to stats::cor to calculate the covariance matrix. Default "pairwise.complete.obs".


This function simply returns Cronbach's alpha. If you want a lot more details on reliability, the 'psych' package has a much more detailed analysis.

This function replaces the now-defunct getCronbach() from COINr < v1.0.


Cronbach alpha as a numerical value.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# Cronbach's alpha for the "P2P" group
get_cronbach(coin, dset = "Raw", iCodes = "P2P", Level = 1)

Get subsets of indicator data


A helper function to retrieve a named data set from coin or purse objects. See individual method documentation:


get_data(x, ...)



A coin or purse


Arguments passed to methods


This function replaces the now-defunct getIn() from COINr < v1.0.


Data frame of indicator data, indexed also by time if input is a purse.


# see individual method documentation

Get data availability of units


Generic function for getting the data availability of each unit (row).


get_data_avail(x, ...)



Either a coin or a data frame


Arguments passed to other methods


See method documentation:

See also vignettes: vignette("analysis") and vignette("imputation").

Get data availability of units


Returns a list of data frames: the data availability of each unit (row) in a given data set, as well as percentage of zeros. A second data frame gives data availability by aggregation (indicator) groups.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
get_data_avail(x, dset, out2 = "coin", ...)



A coin


String indicating name of data set in .$Data.


Either "coin" to output an updated coin or "list" to output a list.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function ignores any non-numeric columns, and returns a data availability table of numeric columns with non-numeric columns appended at the beginning.

See also vignettes: vignette("analysis") and vignette("imputation").


An updated coin with data availability tables written in .$Analysis[[dset]], or a list of data availability tables.


# build example coin
coin <-  build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get data availability of Raw dset
l_dat <- get_data_avail(coin, dset = "Raw", out2 = "list")
head(l_dat$Summary, 5)

Get data availability of units


Returns a data frame of the data availability of each unit (row), as well as percentage of zeros. This function ignores any non-numeric columns, and returns a data availability table with non-numeric columns appended at the beginning.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
get_data_avail(x, ...)



A data frame


arguments passed to or from other methods.


See also vignettes: vignette("analysis") and vignette("imputation").


A data frame of data availability statistics for each column of x.


# data availability of "airquality" data set

Get subsets of indicator data


A flexible function for retrieving data from a coin, from a specified data set. Subsets of data can be returned based on selection of columns, using the iCodes and Level arguments, and by filtering rowwise using the uCodes and use_group arguments. The also_get argument also allows unit metadata columns to be attached, such as names, groups, and denominators.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  iCodes = NULL,
  Level = NULL,
  uCodes = NULL,
  use_group = NULL,
  also_get = NULL,



A coin class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


Optional indicator codes to retrieve. If NULL (default), returns all iCodes found in the selected data set. Can also refer to indicator groups. See details.


Optionally, the level in the hierarchy to extract data from. See details.


Optional unit codes to filter rows of the resulting data set. Can also be used in conjunction with groups. See details.


Optional group to filter rows of the data set. Specified as list(Group_Var = Group), where Group_Var is a Group_ column that must be present in the selected data set, and Group is a specified group inside that grouping variable. This filters the selected data to only include rows from the specified group. Can also be used in conjunction with uCodes – see details.


A character vector specifying any columns to attach to the data set that are not indicators or aggregates. These will be e.g. uName, groups, denominators or columns labelled as "Other" in iMeta. These columns are stored in .$Meta$Unit to avoid repetition. Set also_get = "all" to attach all columns, or set also_get = "none" to return only numeric columns, i.e. no uCode column.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The iCodes argument can be used to directly select named indicators, i.e. setting iCodes = c("a", "b") will select indicators "a" and "b", attaching any extra columns specified by also_get. However, using this in conjunction with the Level argument returns named groups of indicators. For example, setting iCodes = "Group1" (for e.g. an aggregation group in Level 2) and Level = 1 will return all indicators in Level 1, belonging to "Group1".

Rows can also be subsetted. The uCodes argument can be used to select specified units in the same way as iCodes. Additionally, the use_group argument filters to specified groups. If uCodes is specified, and use_group refers to a named group column, then it will return all units in the groups that the uCodes belong to. This is useful for putting a unit into context with its peers based on some grouping variable.

Note that if you want to retrieve a whole data set (with no column/row subsetting), use the get_dset() function which should be slightly faster.


A data frame of indicator data according to specifications.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get all indicators in "Political group
x <- get_data(coin, dset = "Raw", iCodes = "Political", Level = 1)
head(x, 5)

# see vignette("data_selection") for more examples

Get subsets of indicator data


This retrieves data from a purse. It functions in a similar way to get_data.coin() but has the additional Time argument to allow selection based on the point(s) in time.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  iCodes = NULL,
  Level = NULL,
  uCodes = NULL,
  use_group = NULL,
  Time = NULL,
  also_get = NULL,



A purse class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


Optional indicator codes to retrieve. If NULL (default), returns all iCodes found in the selected data set. Can also refer to indicator groups. See details.


Optionally, the level in the hierarchy to extract data from. See details.


Optional unit codes to filter rows of the resulting data set. Can also be used in conjunction with groups. See details.


Optional group to filter rows of the data set. Specified as list(Group_Var = Group), where Group_Var is a Group_ column that must be present in the selected data set, and Group is a specified group inside that grouping variable. This filters the selected data to only include rows from the specified group. Can also be used in conjunction with uCodes – see details.


Optional time index to extract from a subset of the coins present in the purse. Should be a vector containing one or more entries in x$Time or NULL to return all (default).


A character vector specifying any columns to attach to the data set that are not indicators or aggregates. These will be e.g. uName, groups, denominators or columns labelled as "Other" in iMeta. These columns are stored in .$Meta$Unit to avoid repetition. Set also_get = "all" to attach all columns, or set also_get = "none" to return only numeric columns, i.e. no uCode column.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Note that


A data frame of indicator data indexed by a "Time" column.


# build full example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get specified indicators for specific years, for specified units
get_data(purse, dset = "Raw",
         iCodes = c("Lang", "Forest"),
         uCodes = c("AUT", "CHN", "DNK"),
         Time = c(2019, 2020))

Correlations between indicators and denominators


Get a data frame containing any correlations between indicators and denominators that exceed a given threshold. This can be useful when whether to denominate an indicator and by what may not be obvious. If an indicator is strongly correlated with a denominator, this may suggest to denominate it by that denominator.


  cor_thresh = 0.6,
  cortype = "pearson",
  nround = 2,
  use_directions = FALSE



A coin class object.


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


A correlation threshold: the absolute value of any correlations between indicator-denominator pairs above this threshold will be flagged.


The type of correlation: to be passed to the method argument of stats::cor.


Optional number of decimal places to round correlation values to. Default 2, set NULL to disable.


Logical: if TRUE the extracted data is adjusted using directions found inside the coin (i.e. the "Direction" column input in iMeta. See comments on this argument in get_corr().


A data frame of pairwise correlations that exceed the threshold.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get correlations >0.7 of any indicator with denominators
get_denom_corr(coin, dset = "Raw", cor_thresh = 0.7)

Gets a named data set and performs checks


A helper function to retrieve a named data set from coin or purse objects. See individual documentation on:


get_dset(x, dset, ...)



A coin or purse


A character string corresponding to a named data set within .$Data. E.g. "Raw".


arguments passed to or from other methods.



Data frame of indicator data, indexed also by time if input is a purse.


# see examples for methods

Gets a named data set and performs checks


A helper function to retrieve a named data set from the coin object. Also performs input checks at the same time.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
get_dset(x, dset, also_get = NULL, ...)



A coin class object


A character string corresponding to a named data set within .$Data. E.g. "Raw".


A character vector specifying any columns to attach to the data set that are not indicators or aggregates. These will be e.g. uName, groups, denominators or columns labelled as "Other" in iMeta. These columns are stored in .$Meta$Unit to avoid repetition. Set also_get = "all" to attach all columns, or set also_get = "none" to return only numeric columns, i.e. no uCode column.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


If also_get is not specified, this will return the indicator columns with the uCode identifiers in the first column. Optionally, also_get can be specified to attach other metadata columns, or to only return the numeric (indicator) columns with no identifiers. This latter option might be useful for e.g. examining correlations.


Data frame of indicator data.


# build example coin, just up to raw dset for speed
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# retrieve raw data set with added cols
get_dset(coin, dset = "Raw", also_get = c("uName", "GDP_group"))

Gets a named data set and performs checks


A helper function to retrieve a named data set from a purse object. Retrieves the specified data set from each coin in the purse and joins them together in a single data frame using rbind(), indexed with a Time column.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
get_dset(x, dset, Time = NULL, also_get = NULL, ...)



A purse class object


A character string corresponding to a named data set within each coin .$Data. E.g. "Raw".


Optional time index to extract from a subset of the coins present in the purse. Should be a vector containing one or more entries in x$Time or NULL to return all (default).


A character vector specifying any columns to attach to the data set that are not indicators or aggregates. These will be e.g. uName, groups, denominators or columns labelled as "Other" in iMeta. These columns are stored in .$Meta$Unit to avoid repetition. Set also_get = "all" to attach all columns, or set also_get = "none" to return only numeric columns, i.e. no uCode column.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Data frame of indicator data.


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get raw data set
df1 <- get_dset(purse, dset = "Raw")

Get effective weights


Calculates the "effective weight" of each indicator and aggregate at the index level. The effective weight is calculated as the final weight of each component in the index, and this is due to not just to its own weight, but also to the weights of each aggregation that it is involved in, plus the number of indicators/aggregates in each group. The effective weight is one way of understanding the final contribution of each indicator to the index. See also vignette("weights").


get_eff_weights(coin, out2 = "df")



A coin class object


Either "coin" or "df"


This function replaces the now-defunct effectiveWeight() from COINr < v1.0.


Either an iMeta data frame with effective weights as an added column, or an updated coin with effective weights added to .$Meta$Ind.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get effective weights as data frame
w_eff <- get_eff_weights(coin, out2 = "df")


Noisy replications of weights


Given a data frame of weights, this function returns multiple replicates of the weights, with added noise. This is intended for use in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis.


get_noisy_weights(w, noise_specs, Nrep)



A data frame of weights, in the format found in .$Meta$Weights.


a data frame with columns:

  • Level: The aggregation level to apply noise to

  • NoiseFactor: The size of the perturbation: setting e.g. 0.2 perturbs by +/- 20% of nominal values.


The number of weight replications to generate.


Weights are expected to be in a data frame format with columns Level, iCode and Weight, as used in iMeta. Note that no NAs are allowed anywhere in the data frame.

Noise is added using the noise_specs argument, which is specified by a data frame with columns Level and NoiseFactor. The aggregation level refers to number of the aggregation level to target while the NoiseFactor refers to the size of the perturbation. If e.g. a row is Level = 1 and NoiseFactor = 0.2, this will allow the weights in aggregation level 1 to deviate by +/- 20% of their nominal values (the values in w).

This function replaces the now-defunct noisyWeights() from COINr < v1.0.


A list of Nrep sets of weights (data frames).

See Also


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get nominal weights
w_nom <- coin$Meta$Weights$Original

# build data frame specifying the levels to apply the noise at
# here we vary at levels 2 and 3
noise_specs = data.frame(Level = c(2,3),
                         NoiseFactor = c(0.25, 0.25))

# get 100 replications
noisy_wts <- get_noisy_weights(w = w_nom, noise_specs = noise_specs, Nrep = 100)

# examine one of the noisy weight sets, last few rows

Weight optimisation


This function provides optimised weights to agree with a pre-specified vector of "target importances".


  itarg = NULL,
  cortype = "pearson",
  optype = "balance",
  toler = NULL,
  maxiter = NULL,
  weights_to = NULL,
  out2 = "list"



coin object


a vector of (relative) target importances. For example, c(1,2,1) would specify that the second indicator should be twice as "important" as the other two.


Name of the aggregated data set found in coin$Data which results from calling Aggregate().


The aggregation level to apply the weight adjustment to. This can only be one level.


The type of correlation to use - can be either "pearson", "spearman" or "kendall". See stats::cor.


The optimisation type. Either "balance", which aims to balance correlations according to a vector of "importances" specified by itarg (default), or "infomax" which aims to maximise overall correlations.


Tolerance for convergence. Defaults to 0.1 (decrease for more accuracy, increase if convergence problems).


Maximum number of iterations. Default 500.


Name to write the optimised weight set to, if out2 = "coin".


Where to output the results. If "coin" (default for coin input), appends to updated coin, creating a new list of weights in .$Parameters$Weights. Otherwise if "list" outputs to a list (default).


This is a linear version of the weight optimisation proposed in this paper: doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.03.056. Weights are optimised to agree with a pre-specified vector of "importances". The optimised weights are returned back to the coin.

See vignette("weights") for more details on the usage of this function and an explanation of the underlying method. Note that this function calculates correlations without considering statistical significance.

This function replaces the now-defunct weightOpt() from COINr < v1.0.


If out2 = "coin" returns an updated coin object with a new set of weights in .$Meta$Weights, plus details of the optimisation in .$Analysis. Else if out2 = "list" the same outputs (new weights plus details of optimisation) are wrapped in a list.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# check correlations between level 3 and index
get_corr(coin, dset = "Aggregated", Levels = c(3, 4))

# optimise weights at level 3
l_opt <- get_opt_weights(coin, itarg = "equal", dset = "Aggregated",
                        Level = 3, weights_to = "OptLev3", out2 = "list")

# view results


Perform PCA on a coin


Performs Principle Component Analysis (PCA) on a specified data set and subset of indicators or aggregation groups. This function has two main outputs: the output(s) of stats::prcomp(), and optionally the weights resulting from the PCA. Therefore it can be used as an analysis tool and/or a weighting tool. For the weighting aspect, please see the details below.


  dset = "Raw",
  iCodes = NULL,
  Level = NULL,
  by_groups = TRUE,
  nowarnings = FALSE,
  weights_to = NULL,
  out2 = "list"



A coin


The name of the data set in .$Data to use.


An optional character vector of indicator codes to subset the indicator data, passed to get_data()


The aggregation level to take indicator data from. Integer from 1 (indicator level) to N (top aggregation level, typically the index).


If TRUE (default), performs PCA inside each aggregation group inside the specified level. If FALSE, performs a single PCA over all indicators/aggregates in the specified level.


If FALSE (default), will give warnings where missing data are found. Set to TRUE to suppress these warnings.


A string to name the resulting set of weights. If this is specified, and out2 = "coin", will write a new set of "PCA weights" to the .$Meta$Weights list. This is experimental - see details. If NULL, does not write any weights (default).


If the input is a coin object, this controls where to send the output. If "coin", it sends the results to the coin object, otherwise if "list", outputs to a separate list (default).


PCA must be approached with care and an understanding of what is going on. First, let's consider the PCA excluding the weighting component. PCA takes a set of data consisting of variables (indicators) and observations. It then rotates the coordinate system such that in the new coordinate system, the first axis (called the first principal component (PC)) aligns with the direction of maximum variance of the data set. The amount of variance explained by the first PC, and by the next several PCs, can help to understand whether the data can be explained by simpler set of variables. PCA is often used for dimensionality reduction in modelling, for example.

In the context of composite indicators, PCA can be used first as an analysis tool. We can check for example, within an aggregation group, can the indicators mostly be explained by one PC? If so, this gives a little extra justification to aggregating the indicators because the information lost in aggregation will be less. We can also check this over the entire set of indicators.

The complications are in a composite indicator, the indicators are grouped and arranged into a hierarchy. This means that when performing a PCA, we have to decide which level to perform it at, and which groupings to use, if any. The get_PCA() function, using the by_groups argument, allows to automatically apply PCA by group if this is required.

The output of get_PCA() is a PCA object for each of the groups specified, which can then be examined using existing tools in R, see vignette("analysis").

The other output of get_PCA() is a set of "PCA weights" if the weights_to argument is specified. Here we also need to say some words of caution. First, what constitutes "PCA weights" in composite indicators is not very well-defined. In COINr, a simple option is adopted. That is, the loadings of the first principal component are taken as the weights. The logic here is that these loadings should maximise the explained variance - the implication being that if we use these as weights in an aggregation, we should maximise the explained variance and hence the information passed from the indicators to the aggregate value. This is a nice property in a composite indicator, where one of the aims is to represent many indicators by single composite. See doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105208 for a discussion on this.

But. The weights that result from PCA have a number of downsides. First, they can often include negative weights which can be hard to justify. Also PCA may arbitrarily flip the axes (since from a variance point of view the direction is not important). In the quest for maximum variance, PCA will also weight the strongest-correlating indicators the highest, which means that other indicators may be neglected. In short, it often results in a very unbalanced set of weights. Moreover, PCA can only be performed on one level at a time.

All these considerations point to the fact: while PCA as an analysis tool is well-established, please use PCA weights with care and understanding of what is going on.

This function replaces the now-defunct getPCA() from COINr < v1.0.


If out2 = "coin", results are appended to the coin object. Specifically:

  • A list is added to .$Analysis containing PCA weights (loadings) of the first principle component, and the output of stats::prcomp, for each aggregation group found in the targeted level.

  • If weights_to is specified, a new set of PCA weights is added to .$Meta$Weights If out2 = "list" the same outputs are contained in a list.

See Also


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# PCA on "Sust" group of indicators
l_pca <- get_PCA(coin, dset = "Raw", iCodes = "Sust",
                 out2 = "list", nowarnings = TRUE)

# Summary of results for one of the sub-groups

P-values for correlations in a data frame or matrix


This is a stripped down version of the "cor.mtest()" function from the "corrplot" package. It uses the stats::cor.test() function to calculate pairwise p-values. Unlike the corrplot version, this only calculates p-values, and not confidence intervals. Credit to corrplot for this code, I only replicate it here to avoid depending on their package for a single function.


get_pvals(X, ...)



A numeric matrix or data frame


Additional arguments passed to function cor.test(), e.g. conf.level = 0.95.


Matrix of p-values


# a matrix of random numbers, 3 cols
x <- matrix(runif(30), 10, 3)

# get correlations between cols

# get p values of correlations between cols

Results summary tables


Generates fast results tables, either attached to the coin or as a data frame.


  tab_type = "Summ",
  also_get = NULL,
  use = "scores",
  order_by = NULL,
  nround = 2,
  use_group = NULL,
  dset_indicators = NULL,
  out2 = "df"



The coin object, or a data frame of indicator data


Name of data set in .$Data


The type of table to generate. Either "Summ" (a single indicator plus rank), "Aggs" (all aggregated scores/ranks above indicator level), or "Full" (all scores/ranks plus all group, denominator columns).


Names of further columns to attach to table.


Either "scores" (default), "ranks", or "groupranks". For the latter, use_group must be specified.


A code of the indicator or aggregate to sort the table by. If not specified, defaults to the highest aggregate level, i.e. the index in most cases. If use_group is specified, rows will also be sorted by the specified group.


The number of decimal places to round numerical values to. Defaults to 2.


An optional grouping variable. If specified, the results table includes this group column, and if use = "groupranks", ranks will be returned with respect to the groups in this column.


Optional data set from which to take only indicator (level 1) data from. This can be set to "Raw" for example, so that all aggregates come from the aggregated data set, and the indicators come from the raw data set. This can make more sense in presenting results in many cases, so that the "real" indicator data is visible.


If "df", outputs a data frame (tibble). Else if "coin" attaches to .$Results in an updated coin.


Although results are available in a coin in .$Data, the format makes it difficult to quickly present results. This function generates results tables that are suitable for immediate presentation, i.e. sorted by index or other indicators, and only including relevant columns. Scores are also rounded by default, and there is the option to present scores or ranks.

See also vignette("results") for more info.

This function replaces the now-defunct getResults() from COINr < v1.0.


If out2 = "df", the results table is returned as a data frame. If out2 = "coin", this function returns an updated coin with the results table attached to .$Results.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# get results table
df_results <- get_results(coin, dset = "Aggregated", tab_type = "Aggs")


Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a coin


This function performs global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a coin. You must specify which parameters of the coin to vary, and the alternatives/distributions for those parameters.


  SA_type = "UA",
  Nboot = NULL,
  quietly = FALSE,
  check_addresses = TRUE,
  diagnostic_mode = FALSE



A coin


Specifications of the input uncertainties


The number of regenerations


The type of analysis to run. "UA" runs an uncertainty analysis. "SA" runs a sensitivity analysis (which anyway includes an uncertainty analysis).


The data set to extract the target variable from (passed to get_data()).


The variable within dset to use as the target variable (passed to get_data()).


Number of bootstrap samples to take when estimating confidence intervals on sensitivity indices.


Set to TRUE to suppress progress messages.


Logical: if FALSE skips the check of the validity of the parameter addresses. Default TRUE, but useful to set to FALSE if running this e.g. in a Rmd document (because may require user input).


Logical: if TRUE, this will additionally attach all coins generated as part of the sensitivity analysis to the output list. This is intended to be used to check what is going on within the sensitivity analysis.


COINr implements a flexible variance-based global sensitivity analysis approach, which allows almost any assumption to be varied, as long as the distribution of alternative values can be described. Variance-based "sensitivity indices" are estimated using a Monte Carlo design (running the composite indicator many times with a particular combination of input values). This follows the methodology described in doi:10.1111/j.1467-985X.2005.00350.x.

To understand how this function works, please see vignette("sensitivity"). Here, we briefly recap the main input arguments.

First, you can select whether to run an uncertainty analysis SA_type = "UA" or sensitivity analysis SA_type = "SA". The number of replications (regenerations of the coin) is specified by N. Keep in mind that the total number of replications is N for an uncertainty analysis but is N*(d + 2) for a sensitivity analysis due to the experimental design used.

To run either types of analysis, you must specify which parts of the coin to vary and what the distributions/alternatives are This is done using SA_specs, a structured list. See vignette("sensitivity") for details and examples.

You also need to specify the target of the sensitivity analysis. This should be an indicator or aggregate that can be found in one of the data sets of the coin, and is specified using the dset and iCode arguments.

If SA_type = "SA", it is advisable to set Nboot to e.g. 100 or more, which is the number of bootstrap samples to take when estimating confidence intervals on sensitivity indices. This does not perform extra regenerations of the coin, so setting this to a higher number shouldn't have much impact on computational time.

If you want to understand what is going on more deeply in the regenerated coins in the sensitivity analysis, set diagnostic_mode = TRUE in get_sensitivity(). This will additionally output a list containing every coin that was generated as part of the sensitivity analysis, and allows you to check in detail whether the coins are generated as you expect. Clearly it is better to run this on a low sample size as the output can potentially become quite large.

This function replaces the now-defunct sensitivity() from COINr < v1.0.


Sensitivity analysis results as a list, containing:

  • .$Scores a data frame with a row for each unit, and columns are the scores for each replication.

  • .$Ranks as .$Scores but for unit ranks

  • .$RankStats summary statistics for ranks of each unit

  • .$Para a list containing parameter values for each run

  • .$Nominal the nominal scores and ranks of each unit (i.e. from the original COIN)

  • .$Sensitivity (only if SA_type = "SA") sensitivity indices for each parameter. Also confidence intervals if Nboot

  • .$coins (only if diagnostic_mode = TRUE) a list of all coins generated during the sensitivity analysis

  • Some information on the time elapsed, average time, and the parameters perturbed.

  • Depending on the setting of store_results, may also contain a list of Methods or a list of COINs for each replication.


# for examples, see `vignette("sensitivity")`
# (this is because package examples are run automatically and this function can
# take a few minutes to run at realistic settings)

Statistics of columns/indicators


Generic function for reports various statistics from a data frame or coin. See method documentation:


get_stats(x, ...)



Object (data frame or coin)


Further arguments to be passed to methods.


See also vignette("analysis").

This function replaces the now-defunct getStats() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame of statistics for each column


# see individual method documentation

Statistics of indicators


Given a coin and a specified data set (dset), returns a table of statistics with entries for each column.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  t_skew = 2,
  t_kurt = 3.5,
  t_avail = 0.65,
  t_zero = 0.5,
  t_unq = 0.5,
  nsignif = 3,
  out2 = "df",



A coin


A data set present in .$Data


Absolute skewness threshold. See details.


Kurtosis threshold. See details.


Data availability threshold. See details.


A threshold between 0 and 1 for flagging indicators with high proportion of zeroes. See details.


A threshold between 0 and 1 for flagging indicators with low proportion of unique values. See details.plot


Number of significant figures to round the output table to.


Either "df" (default) to output a data frame of indicator statistics, or "coin" to output an updated coin with the data frame attached under .$Analysis.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The statistics (columns in the output table) are as follows (entries correspond to each column):

  • Min: the minimum

  • Max: the maximum

  • Mean: the (arirthmetic) mean

  • Median: the median

  • Std: the standard deviation

  • Skew: the skew

  • Kurt: the kurtosis

  • N.Avail: the number of non-NA values

  • N.NonZero: the number of non-zero values

  • N.Unique: the number of unique values

  • Frc.Avail: the fraction of non-NA values

  • Frc.NonZero: the fraction of non-zero values

  • Frc.Unique: the fraction of unique values

  • Flag.Avail: a data availability flag - columns with Frc.Avail < t_avail will be flagged as "LOW", else "ok".

  • Flag.NonZero: a flag for columns with a high proportion of zeros. Any columns with Frc.NonZero < t_zero are flagged as "LOW", otherwise "ok".

  • Flag.Unique: a unique value flag - any columns with Frc.Unique < t_unq are flagged as "LOW", otherwise "ok".

  • Flag.SkewKurt: a skew and kurtosis flag which is an indication of possible outliers. Any columns with abs(Skew) > t_skew AND Kurt > t_kurt are flagged as "OUT", otherwise "ok".

The aim of this table, among other things, is to check the basic statistics of each column/indicator, and identify any possible issues for each indicator. For example, low data availability, having a high proportion of zeros and/or a low proportion of unique values. Further, the combination of skew and kurtosis (i.e. the Flag.SkewKurt column) is a simple test for possible outliers, which may require treatment using Treat().

The table can be returned either to the coin or as a standalone data frame - see out2.

See also vignette("analysis").


Either a data frame or updated coin - see out2.


# build example coin
coin <-  build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get table of indicator statistics for raw data set
get_stats(coin, dset = "Raw", out2 = "df")

Statistics of columns


Takes a data frame and returns a table of statistics with entries for each column.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  t_skew = 2,
  t_kurt = 3.5,
  t_avail = 0.65,
  t_zero = 0.5,
  t_unq = 0.5,
  nsignif = 3,



A data frame with only numeric columns.


Absolute skewness threshold. See details.


Kurtosis threshold. See details.


Data availability threshold. See details.


A threshold between 0 and 1 for flagging indicators with high proportion of zeroes. See details.


A threshold between 0 and 1 for flagging indicators with low proportion of unique values. See details.


Number of significant figures to round the output table to.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The statistics (columns in the output table) are as follows (entries correspond to each column):

  • Min: the minimum

  • Max: the maximum

  • Mean: the (arirthmetic) mean

  • Median: the median

  • Std: the standard deviation

  • Skew: the skew

  • Kurt: the kurtosis

  • N.Avail: the number of non-NA values

  • N.NonZero: the number of non-zero values

  • N.Unique: the number of unique values

  • Frc.Avail: the fraction of non-NA values

  • Frc.NonZero: the fraction of non-zero values

  • Frc.Unique: the fraction of unique values

  • Flag.Avail: a data availability flag - columns with Frc.Avail < t_avail will be flagged as "LOW", else "ok".

  • Flag.NonZero: a flag for columns with a high proportion of zeros. Any columns with Frc.NonZero < t_zero are flagged as "LOW", otherwise "ok".

  • Flag.Unique: a unique value flag - any columns with Frc.Unique < t_unq are flagged as "LOW", otherwise "ok".

  • Flag.SkewKurt: a skew and kurtosis flag which is an indication of possible outliers. Any columns with abs(Skew) > t_skew AND Kurt > t_kurt are flagged as "OUT", otherwise "ok".

The aim of this table, among other things, is to check the basic statistics of each column/indicator, and identify any possible issues for each indicator. For example, low data availability, having a high proportion of zeros and/or a low proportion of unique values. Further, the combination of skew and kurtosis (i.e. the Flag.SkewKurt column) is a simple test for possible outliers, which may require treatment using Treat().

See also vignette("analysis").


A data frame of statistics for each column


# stats of mtcars

Generate strengths and weaknesses for a specified unit


Generates a table of strengths and weaknesses for a selected unit, based on ranks, or ranks within a specified grouping variable.


  usel = NULL,
  topN = 5,
  bottomN = 5,
  withcodes = TRUE,
  use_group = NULL,
  unq_discard = NULL,
  min_discard = TRUE,
  report_level = NULL,
  with_units = TRUE,
  adjust_direction = NULL,
  sig_figs = 3



A coin


The data set to extract indicator data from, to use as strengths and weaknesses.


A selected unit code


The top N indicators to report


The bottom N indicators to report


If TRUE (default), also includes a column of indicator codes. Setting to FALSE may be more useful in generating reports, where codes are not helpful.


An optional grouping variable to use for reporting in-group ranks. Specifying this will report the ranks of the selected unit within the group of use_group to which it belongs.


Optional parameter for handling discrete indicators. Some indicators may be binary variables of the type "yes = 1", "no = 0". These may be picked up as strengths or weaknesses, when they may not be wanted to be highlighted, since e.g. maybe half of units will have a zero or a one. This argument takes a number between 0 and 1 specifying a unique value threshold for ignoring indicators as strengths. E.g. setting prc_unq_discard = 0.2 will ensure that only indicators with at least 20% unique values will be highlighted as strengths or weaknesses. Set to NULL to disable (default).


If TRUE (default), discards any strengths which correspond to the minimum rank for the given indicator. See details.


Aggregation level to report parent codes from. For example, setting report_level = 2 (default) will add a column to the strengths and weaknesses tables which reports the aggregation group from level 2, to which each reported indicator belongs.


If TRUE (default), includes indicator units in output tables.


If TRUE, will adjust directions of indicators according to the "Direction" column of IndMeta. By default, this is TRUE if dset = "Raw", and FALSE otherwise.


Number of significant figures to round values to. If NULL returns values as they are.


This currently only works at the indicator level. Indicators with NA values for the selected unit are ignored. Strengths and weaknesses mean the topN-ranked indicators for the selected unit. Effectively, this takes the rank that the selected unit has in each indicator, sorts the ranks, and takes the top N highest and lowest.

This function must be used with a little care: indicators should be adjusted for their directions before use, otherwise a weakness might be counted as a strength, and vice versa. Use the adjust_direction parameter to help here.

A further useful parameter is unq_discard, which also filters out any indicators with a low number of unique values, based on a specified threshold. Also min_discard which filters out any indicators which have the minimum rank.

The best way to use this function is to play around with the settings a little bit. The reason being that in practice, indicators have very different distributions and these can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes. An example is if you have an indicator with 50% zero values, and the rest non-zero (but unique). Using the sport ranking system, all units with zero values will receive a rank which is equal to the number of units divided by two. This then might be counted as a "strength" for some units with overall low scores. But a zero value can hardly be called a strength. This is where the min_discard function can help out.

Problems such as these mainly arise when e.g. generating a large number of country profiles.

This function replaces the now-defunct getStrengthNWeak() from COINr < v1.0.


A list containing a data frame .$Strengths, and a data frame .$Weaknesses. Each data frame has columns with indicator code, name, rank and value (for the selected unit).


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# get strengths and weaknesses for ESP
get_str_weak(coin, dset = "Raw", usel = "ESP")

Generate unit summary table


Generates a summary table for a single unit. This is mostly useful in unit reports.


get_unit_summary(coin, usel, Levels, dset = "Aggregated", nround = 2)



A coin


A selected unit code


The aggregation levels to display results from.


The data set within the coin to extract scores and ranks from


Number of decimals to round scores to, default 2. Set to NULL to disable rounding.


This returns the scores and ranks for each indicator/aggregate as specified in aglevs. It orders the table so that the highest aggregation levels are first. This means that if the index level is included, it will be first.

This function replaces the now-defunct getUnitSummary() from COINr < v1.0.


A summary table as a data frame, containing scores and ranks for specified indicators/aggregates.


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# summary of scores for IND at levels 4, 3 and 2
get_unit_summary(coin, usel = "IND", Levels = c(4,3,2), dset = "Aggregated")

Impute by mean


Replaces NAs in a numeric vector with the mean of the non-NA values.





A numeric vector


A numeric vector


x <- c(1,2,3,4, NA)

Impute by group mean


Replaces NAs in a numeric vector with the grouped arithmetic means of the non-NA values. Groups are defined by the f argument.


i_mean_grp(x, f, skip_f_na = TRUE)



A numeric vector


A grouping variable, of the same length of x, that specifies the group that each value of x belongs to. This will be coerced to a factor.


If TRUE, will work around any NAs in f (the corresponding values of x will be excluded from the imputation and returned unaltered). Else if FALSE, will cause an error.


A numeric vector


x <- c(NA, runif(10), NA)
f <- c(rep("a", 6), rep("b", 6))
i_mean_grp(x, f)

Impute by median


Replaces NAs in a numeric vector with the median of the non-NA values.





A numeric vector


A numeric vector


x <- c(1,2,3,4, NA)

Impute by group median


Replaces NAs in a numeric vector with the grouped medians of the non-NA values. Groups are defined by the f argument.


i_median_grp(x, f, skip_f_na = TRUE)



A numeric vector


A grouping variable, of the same length of x, that specifies the group that each value of x belongs to. This will be coerced to a factor.


If TRUE, will work around any NAs in f (the corresponding values of x will be excluded from the imputation and returned unaltered). Else if FALSE, will cause an error.


A numeric vector


x <- c(NA, runif(10), NA)
f <- c(rep("a", 6), rep("b", 6))
i_median_grp(x, f)

Convert iCodes to iNames


Convert iCodes to iNames


icodes_to_inames(coin, iCodes)



A coin


A vector of iCodes


Vector of iNames

Import data directly from COIN Tool


The COIN Tool is an Excel-based tool for building composite indicators. This function provides a direct interface for reading a COIN Tool input deck and converting it to COINr. You need to provide a COIN Tool file, with the "Database" sheet properly compiled.


import_coin_tool(fname, makecodes = FALSE, oldtool = FALSE, out2 = "list")



The file name and path to read, e.g. "C:/Documents/COINToolFile.xlsx".


Logical: if TRUE, will generate short indicator codes based on indicator names, otherwise if FALSE, will use COIN Tool indicator codes "Ind.01", etc. Currently only does this for indicators, not aggregation groups.


Logical: if TRUE, compatible with old COIN Tool (pre-release, early 2019 or earlier). There are some minor differences on where the elements are found.


Either "list" (default) to output a list with iData and iMeta entries (for input into new_coin()), else "coin" to output a coin.


This function replaces the now-defunct COINToolIn() from COINr < v1.0.


Either a list or a coin, depending on out2


## Not run: 
## This example downloads a COIN Tool spreadsheet containing example data,
## saves it to a temporary directory, unzips, and reads into R. Finally it
## assembles it into a COIN.

# Make temp zip filename in temporary directory
tmpz <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
# Download an example COIN Tool file to temporary directory
# NOTE: the download.file() command may need its "method" option set to a
# specific value depending on the platform you run this on. You can also
# choose to download/unzip this file manually.
files/", tmpz)
# Unzip
CTpath <- unzip(tmpz, exdir = tempdir())
# Read COIN Tool into R
l <- import_coin_tool(CTpath, makecodes = TRUE) 
## End(Not run)

Imputation of missing data


This is a generic function with the following methods:


Impute(x, ...)



Object to be imputed


arguments passed to or from other methods.


See those methods for individual documentation.

This function replaces the now-defunct impute() from COINr < v1.0.


An object of the same class as x, but imputed.


# See individual method documentation

Impute panel data


Given a data frame of panel data, with a time-index column time_col and a unit ID column unit_col, imputes other columns using the entry from the latest available time point.


  time_col = NULL,
  unit_col = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  imp_type = NULL,
  max_time = NULL



A data frame of indicator data, containing a time index column time_col, a unit code column unit_col, and other numerical columns to be imputed.


The name of a column found in iData to be used as the time index column. Must point to a numeric column.


The name of a column found in iData to be used as the unit code/ID column. Must point to a character column.


Optionally, a character vector of names of columns to impute. If NULL (default), all columns apart from time_col and unit_col will be imputed where possible.


One of "latest" "constant", "linear" or "linear-constant". In the first case, missing points are imputed with the last non-NA observation for each time series, up to max_time. For "constant" or "linear", missing points are imputed using stats::approx(), passing "constant" or "linear" to the method argument, and points outside of the range of observed values are replaced with the nearest non-NA point. This is equivalent to rule = 2 in stats::approx() for each time series. The difference between "latest" and "constant" is that the latter allows control over the maximum number of time points to impute backwards (using max_time) whereas the former doesn't. Additionally, "constant" will impute outside of the observed range of values at the beginning of the time series, whereas "latest" won't. Finally, the "linear-constant" option will apply linear imputation where possible, but will revert to the "constant" method for any time series with only one observation, which would otherwise throw an error for "linear".


The maximum number of time points to look backwards to impute from. E.g. if max_time = 1, if an NA is found at time tt, it will only look for a replacement value at t1t-1 but not in any time points before that. By default, searches all time points available.


This presumes that there are multiple observations for each unit code, i.e. one per time point. It then searches for any missing values in the target year, and replaces them with the equivalent points from previous time points. It will replace using the most recently available point or using linear interpolation: see imp_type argument.


A list containing:

  • .$iData_imp: An iData format data frame with missing data imputed using previous time points (where possible).

  • .$DataT: A data frame in the same format as iData, where each entry shows which time point each data point came from.


# Copy example panel data
iData_p <- ASEM_iData_p

# we introduce two NAs: one for NZ in 2022 in LPI indicator
iData_p$LPI[iData_p$uCode == "NZ" & iData_p$Time == 2022] <-  NA
# one for AT, also in 2022, but for Flights indicator
iData_p$Flights[iData_p$uCode == "AT" & iData_p$Time == 2022] <- NA

# impute: target only the two columns where NAs introduced
l_imp <- impute_panel(iData_p, cols = c("LPI", "Flights"))
# get imputed df
iData_imp <- l_imp$iData_imp

# check the output is what we expect: both NAs introduced should now have 2021 values
iData_imp$LPI[iData_imp$uCode == "NZ" & iData_imp$Time == 2022] ==
  ASEM_iData_p$LPI[ASEM_iData_p$uCode == "NZ" & ASEM_iData_p$Time == 2021]

iData_imp$Flights[iData_imp$uCode == "AT" & iData_imp$Time == 2022] ==
  ASEM_iData_p$Flights[ASEM_iData_p$uCode == "AT" & ASEM_iData_p$Time == 2021]

Impute a data set in a coin


This imputes any NAs in the data set specified by dset by invoking the function f_i and any optional arguments f_i_para on each column at a time (if impute_by = "column"), or on each row at a time (if impute_by = "row"), or by passing the entire data frame to f_i if impute_by = "df".


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  f_i = NULL,
  f_i_para = NULL,
  impute_by = "column",
  use_group = NULL,
  group_level = NULL,
  normalise_first = NULL,
  out2 = "coin",
  write_to = NULL,
  disable = FALSE,
  warn_on_NAs = TRUE,



A coin class object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An imputation function. See details.


Further arguments to pass to f_i, other than x. See details.


Specifies how to impute: if "column", passes each column (indicator) separately as a numerical vector to f_i; if "row", passes each row separately; and if "df" passes the entire data set (data frame) to f_i. The function called by f_i should be compatible with the type of data passed to it.


Optional grouping variable name to pass to imputation function if this supports group imputation.


A level of the framework to use for grouping indicators. This is only relevant if impute_by = "row" or "df". In that case, indicators will be split into their groups at the level specified by group_level, and imputation will be performed across rows of the group, rather than the whole data set. This can make more sense because indicators within a group are likely to be more similar.


Logical: if TRUE, each column is normalised using a min-max operation before imputation. By default this is FALSE unless impute_by = "row". See details.


Either "coin" to return normalised data set back to the coin, or df to simply return a data frame.


Optional character string for naming the data set in the coin. Data will be written to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default is write_to == "Imputed".


Logical: if TRUE will disable imputation completely and write the unaltered data set. This option is mainly useful in sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (to test the effect of turning imputation on/off).


Logical: if TRUE will issue a warning if there are any NAs detected in the data frame after imputation has been applied. Set FALSE to suppress these warnings.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Clearly, the function f_i needs to be able to accept with the data class passed to it - if impute_by is "row" or "column" this will be a numeric vector, or if "df" it will be a data frame. Moreover, this function should return a vector or data frame identical to the vector/data frame passed to it except for NA values, which can be replaced. The function f_i is not required to replace all NA values.

COINr has several built-in imputation functions of the form ⁠i_*()⁠ for vectors which can be called by Impute(). See the online documentation for more details.

When imputing row-wise, prior normalisation of the data is recommended. This is because imputation will use e.g. the mean of the unit values over all indicators (columns). If the indicators are on very different scales, the result will likely make no sense. If the indicators are normalised first, more sensible results can be obtained. There are two options to pre-normalise: first is by setting normalise_first = TRUE - this is anyway the default if impute_by = "row". In this case, you also need to supply a vector of directions. The data will then be normalised using a min-max approach before imputation, followed by the inverse operation to return the data to the original scales.

Another approach which gives more control is to simply run Normalise() first, and work with the normalised data from that point onwards. In that case it is better to set normalise_first = FALSE, since by default if impute_by = "row" it will be set to TRUE.

Checks are made on the format of the data returned by imputation functions, to ensure the type and that non-NA values have not been inadvertently altered. This latter check is allowed a degree of tolerance for numerical precision, controlled by the sfigs argument. This is because if the data frame is normalised, and/or depending on the imputation function, there may be a very small differences. By default sfigs = 9, meaning that the non-NA values pre and post-imputation are compared to 9 significant figures.

See also documentation for and Impute.numeric() which are called by this function.


An updated coin with imputed data set at .$Data[[write_to]]


#' # build coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# impute raw data set using population groups
# output to data frame directly
Impute(coin, dset = "Raw", f_i = "i_mean_grp",
               use_group = "Pop_group", out2 = "df")

Impute a data frame


Impute a data frame using any function, either column-wise, row-wise or by the whole data frame in one shot.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  f_i = NULL,
  f_i_para = NULL,
  impute_by = "column",
  normalise_first = NULL,
  directions = NULL,
  warn_on_NAs = TRUE,



A data frame with only numeric columns.


A function to use for imputation. By default, imputation is performed by simply substituting the mean of non-NA values for each column at a time.


Any additional parameters to pass to f_i, apart from x


Specifies how to impute: if "column", passes each column separately as a numerical vector to f_i; if "row", passes each row separately; and if "df" passes the entire data frame to f_i. The function called by f_i should be compatible with the type of data passed to it.


Logical: if TRUE, each column is normalised using a min-max operation before imputation. By default this is FALSE unless impute_by = "row". See details.


A vector of directions: either -1 or 1 to indicate the direction of each column of x - this is only used if normalise_first = TRUE. See details.


Logical: if TRUE will issue a warning if there are any NAs detected in the data frame after imputation has been applied. Set FALSE to suppress these warnings.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function only accepts data frames with all numeric columns. It imputes any NAs in the data frame by invoking the function f_i and any optional arguments f_i_para on each column at a time (if impute_by = "column"), or on each row at a time (if impute_by = "row"), or by passing the entire data frame to f_i if impute_by = "df".

Clearly, the function f_i needs to be able to accept with the data class passed to it - if impute_by is "row" or "column" this will be a numeric vector, or if "df" it will be a data frame. Moreover, this function should return a vector or data frame identical to the vector/data frame passed to it except for NA values, which can be replaced. The function f_i is not required to replace all NA values.

COINr has several built-in imputation functions of the form ⁠i_*()⁠ for vectors which can be called by Impute(). See the online documentation for more details.

When imputing row-wise, prior normalisation of the data is recommended. This is because imputation will use e.g. the mean of the unit values over all indicators (columns). If the indicators are on very different scales, the result will likely make no sense. If the indicators are normalised first, more sensible results can be obtained. There are two options to pre-normalise: first is by setting normalise_first = TRUE - this is anyway the default if impute_by = "row". In this case, you also need to supply a vector of directions. The data will then be normalised using a min-max approach before imputation, followed by the inverse operation to return the data to the original scales.

Another approach which gives more control is to simply run Normalise() first, and work with the normalised data from that point onwards. In that case it is better to set normalise_first = FALSE, since by default if impute_by = "row" it will be set to TRUE.

Checks are made on the format of the data returned by imputation functions, to ensure the type and that non-NA values have not been inadvertently altered. This latter check is allowed a degree of tolerance for numerical precision, controlled by the sfigs argument. This is because if the data frame is normalised, and/or depending on the imputation function, there may be a very small differences. By default sfigs = 9, meaning that the non-NA values pre and post-imputation are compared to 9 significant figures.


An imputed data frame


# a df of random numbers
X <-, 10, 5))

# introduce NAs (2 in 3 of 5 cols)
X[sample(1:10, 2), 1] <- NA
X[sample(1:10, 2), 3] <- NA
X[sample(1:10, 2), 5] <- NA

# impute using column mean
Impute(X, f_i = "i_mean")

# impute using row median (no normalisation)
Impute(X, f_i = "i_median", impute_by = "row",
       normalise_first = FALSE)

Impute a numeric vector


Imputes missing values in a numeric vector using a function f_i. This function should return a vector identical to x except for NA values, which can be replaced. The function f_i is not required to replace all NA values.


## S3 method for class 'numeric'
Impute(x, f_i = NULL, f_i_para = NULL, ...)



A numeric vector, possibly with NA values to be imputed.


A function that imputes missing values in a numeric vector. See description and details.


Optional further arguments to be passed to f_i()


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This calls the function f_i(), with optionally further arguments f_i_para, to impute any missing values found in x. By default, f_i = "i_mean()", which simply imputes NAs with the mean of the non-NA values in x.

COINr has several built-in imputation functions of the form ⁠i_*()⁠ for vectors which can be called by Impute(). See the online documentation for more details.

You could also use one of the imputation functions directly (such as i_mean()). However, this function offers a few extra advantages, such as checking the input and output formats, and making sure the resulting imputed vector agrees with the input. It will also skip imputation entirely if there are no NAs at all.


An imputed numeric vector of the same length of x.


# a vector with a missing value
x <- 1:10
x[3] <- NA

# impute using median
# this calls COINr's i_median() function
Impute(x, f_i = "i_median")

Impute data sets in a purse


This function imputes the target data set dset in each coin using the imputation function f_i, and optionally by specifying parameters via f_i_para. This is performed in the same way as the coin method Impute.coin(), i.e. each time point is imputed separately, unless f_i = "impute_panel". See details for more information.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  f_i = NULL,
  f_i_para = NULL,
  impute_by = "column",
  group_level = NULL,
  use_group = NULL,
  normalise_first = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,
  warn_on_NAs = TRUE,



A purse object


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


An imputation function. For the "purse" class, if ⁠f_i = "impute_panel⁠ this is a special case: see details.


Further arguments to pass to f_i, other than x. See details.


Specifies how to impute: if "column", passes each column (indicator) separately as a numerical vector to f_i; if "row", passes each row separately; and if "df" passes the entire data set (data frame) to f_i. The function called by f_i should be compatible with the type of data passed to it.


A level of the framework to use for grouping indicators. This is only relevant if impute_by = "row" or "df". In that case, indicators will be split into their groups at the level specified by group_level, and imputation will be performed across rows of the group, rather than the whole data set. This can make more sense because indicators within a group are likely to be more similar.


Optional grouping variable name to pass to imputation function if this supports group imputation.


Logical: if TRUE, each column is normalised using a min-max operation before imputation. By default this is FALSE unless impute_by = "row". See details.


Optional character string for naming the resulting data set in each coin. Data will be written to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default is write_to == "Imputed".


Logical: if TRUE will issue a warning if there are any NAs detected in the data frame after imputation has been applied. Set FALSE to suppress these warnings.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


If f_i = "impute_panel" this is treated as a special case, and the data sets inside the purse are imputed using the impute_panel() function, which allows imputation of time series, using past/future values as information for imputation.

In this case, coins are not imputed individually, but treated as a single data set. To do this, set f_i = "impute_panel" and pass further parameters to impute_panel() using the f_i_para argument. Note that as this is a special case, the supported parameters of impute_panel() to specify through Impute() are "imp_type" and "max_time" (see Impute() for details on these). No further arguments need to be passed to impute_panel(). See vignette("imputation") for more details.


An updated purse with imputed data sets added to each coin.


# see vignette("imputation")

Check if object is coin class


Check if object is coin class





An object to be checked.



Check if object is purse class


Check if object is purse class





An object to be checked.



Calculate kurtosis


Calculates kurtosis of the values of a numeric vector. This uses the same definition of kurtosis as as the "kurtosis()" function in the e1071 package, where type == 2, which is equivalent to the definition of kurtosis used in Excel.


kurt(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


A kurtosis value (scalar).


x <- runif(20)

Log-transform a vector


Performs a log transform on a numeric vector.


log_CT(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


Specifically, this performs a modified "COIN Tool log" transform: log(x-min(x) + a), where a <- 0.01*(max(x)-min(x)).


A log-transformed vector of data, and treatment details wrapped in a list.


x <- runif(20)

Log-transform a vector


Performs a log transform on a numeric vector.


log_CT_orig(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


Specifically, this performs a "COIN Tool log" transform: log(x-min(x) + 1).


A log-transformed vector of data, and treatment details wrapped in a list.


x <- runif(20)

Log transform a vector (skew corrected)


Performs a log transform on a numeric vector, but with consideration for the direction of the skew. The aim here is to reduce the absolute value of skew, regardless of its direction.


log_CT_plus(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.



If the skew of x is positive, this performs a modified "COIN Tool log" transform: log(x-min(x) + a), where a <- 0.01*(max(x)-min(x)).

If the skew of x is negative, it performs an equivalent transformation -log(xmax + a - x).


A log-transformed vector of data, and treatment details wrapped in a list.


x <- runif(20)

Log-transform a vector


Performs a log transform on a numeric vector. This function is currently not recommended - see comments below.


log_GII(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


Specifically, this performs a "GII log" transform, which is what was encoded in the GII2020 spreadsheet.

Note that this transformation is currently NOT recommended because it seems quite volatile and can flip the direction of the indicator. If the maximum value of the indicator is less than one, this reverses the direction.


A log-transformed vector of data.


x <- runif(20)

Normalise using Borda scores


Calculates Borda scores as rank(x) - 1.


n_borda(x, ties.method = "min")



A numeric vector


This argument is passed to base::rank() - see there for details.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Normalise as distance to maximum value


A measure of the distance to the maximum value, where the maximum value is the highest-scoring value. The formula used is:





A numeric vector


1(xmaxx)/(xmaxxmin)1 - (x_{max} - x)/(x_{max} - x_{min})

This means that the closer a value is to the maximum, the higher its score will be. Scores will be in the range of 0 to 1.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Normalise as distance to reference value


A measure of the distance to a specific value found in x, specified by iref. The formula is:


n_dist2ref(x, iref, cap_max = FALSE)



A numeric vector


An integer which indexes x to specify the reference value. The reference value will be x[iref].


If TRUE, any value of x that exceeds x[iref] will be assigned a score of 1, otherwise will have a score greater than 1.


1(xrefx)/(xrefxmin)1 - (x_{ref} - x)/(x_{ref} - x_{min})

Values exceeding x_ref can be optionally capped at 1 if cap_max = TRUE.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)
n_dist2ref(x, 5)

Normalise as distance to target


A measure of the distance of each value of x to a specified target which can be a high or low target depending on direction. See details below.


n_dist2targ(x, targ, direction = 1, cap_max = FALSE)



A numeric vector


An target value


Either 1 (default) or -1. In the former case, the indicator is assumed to be "positive" so that the target is at the higher end of the range. In the latter, the indicator is "negative" so that the target is typically at the low end of the range.


If TRUE, any value of x that exceeds targ will be assigned a score of 1, otherwise will have a score greater than 1.


If direction = 1, the formula is:

xxminxtargxmin\frac{x - x_{min}}{x_{targ} - x_{min}}

else if direction = -1:

xmaxxxmaxxtarg\frac{x_{max} - x}{x_{max} - x_{targ}}

Values surpassing x_targ in either case can be optionally capped at 1 if cap_max = TRUE.

This function also supports parameter specification in iMeta for the Normalise.coin() method. To do this, add columns Target, and dist2targ_cap_max to the iMeta table, which correspond to the targ and cap_max parameters respectively. Then set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list. See also examples in the normalisation vignette.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)
n_dist2targ(x, 0.8, cap_max = TRUE)

Normalise as fraction of max value


The ratio of each value of x to max(x).





A numeric vector


x/xmaxx / x_{max}


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Normalise using goalpost method


The fraction of the distance of each value of x from the lower "goalpost" to the upper one. Goalposts are specified by gposts = c(l, u, a), where l is the lower bound, u is the upper bound, and a is a scaling parameter.


n_goalposts(x, gposts, direction = 1, trunc2posts = TRUE)



A numeric vector


A numeric vector c(l, u, a), where l is the lower bound, u is the upper bound, and a is a scaling parameter.


Either 1 or -1. Set to -1 to flip goalposts.


If TRUE (default) will truncate any values that fall outside of the goalposts.


Specify direction = -1 to "flip" the goalposts. In this case, the fraction from the upper to the lower goalpost is measured.

The goalposts equations are:

(xGPlow)/(GPhighGPlow)(x - GP_{low})/(GP_{high} - GP_{low})

and for a negative directionality indicator:

(xGPhigh)/(GPlowGPhigh)(x - GP_{high})/(GP_{low} - GP_{high})

This function also supports parameter specification in iMeta for the Normalise.coin() method. To do this, add columns:

  • goalpost_lower: the lower goalpost

  • goalpost_upper: the upper goalpost

  • goalpost_scale: the scaling parameter

  • goalpost_trunc2posts: corresponds to the trunc2posts argument

to the iMeta table. Then set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list. See also examples in the normalisation vignette.


Numeric vector


# positive direction
n_goalposts(1, gposts = c(0, 10, 1))
# negative direction
n_goalposts(1, gposts = c(0, 10, 1), direction = -1)

Minmax a vector


Scales a vector using min-max method.


n_minmax(x, l_u = c(0, 100))



A numeric vector


A vector c(l, u), where l is the lower bound and u is the upper bound. x will be scaled exactly onto this interval.


This function also supports parameter specification in iMeta for the Normalise.coin() method. To do this, add columns minmax_lower, and minmax_upper to the iMeta table, which specify the lower and upper bounds to scale each indicator to. Then set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list. See also examples in the normalisation vignette.


Normalised vector


x <- runif(20)

Normalise using percentile ranks


Calculates percentile ranks of a numeric vector using "sport" ranking. Ranks are calculated by base::rank() and converted to percentile ranks. The ties.method can be changed - this is directly passed to base::rank().


n_prank(x, ties.method = "min")



A numeric vector


This argument is passed to base::rank() - see there for details.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Normalise using ranks


This is simply a wrapper for base::rank(). Higher scores will give higher ranks.


n_rank(x, ties.method = "min")



A numeric vector


This argument is passed to base::rank() - see there for details.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Scale a vector


Scales a vector for normalisation using the method applied in the GII2020 for some indicators. This does x_scaled <- (x-l)/(u-l) * scale_factor. Note this is not the minmax transformation (see n_minmax()). This is a linear transformation with shift u and scaling factor u-l.


n_scaled(x, npara = c(0, 100), scale_factor = 100)



A numeric vector


Parameters as a vector c(l, u). See description.


Optional scaling factor to apply to the result. Default 100.


This function also supports parameter specification in iMeta for the Normalise.coin() method. To do this, add columns scaled_lower, scaled_upper and scale_factor to the iMeta table, which specify the first and second elements of npara, respectively. Then set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list. See also examples in the normalisation vignette.


Scaled vector


x <- runif(20)
n_scaled(x, npara = c(1,10))

Z-score a vector


Standardises a vector x by scaling it to have a mean and standard deviation specified by m_sd.


n_zscore(x, m_sd = c(0, 1))



A numeric vector


A vector c(m, sd), where m is desired mean and sd is the target standard deviation.


This function also supports parameter specification in iMeta for the Normalise.coin() method. To do this, add columns zscore_mean, and zscore_sd to the iMeta table, which specify the mean and standard deviation to scale each indicator to, respectively. Then set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list. See also examples in the normalisation vignette.


Numeric vector


x <- runif(20)

Generate short codes from long names


Given a character vector of long names (probably with spaces), generates short codes. Intended for use when importing from the COIN Tool.


names_to_codes(cvec, maxword = 2, maxlet = 4)



A character vector of names


The maximum number of words to use in building a short name (default 2)


The number of letters to take from each word (default 4)


This function replaces the now-defunct names2Codes() from COINr < v1.0.


A corresponding character vector, but with short codes, and no duplicates.

See Also


# get names from example data
iNames <- ASEM_iMeta$iName

# convert to codes

Create a new coin


Creates a new "coin" class object, or a "purse" class object (time-indexed collection of coins). A purse class object is created if panel data is supplied. Coins and purses are the main object classes used in COINr, although a number of functions also support other classes such as data frames and vectors.


  exclude = NULL,
  split_to = NULL,
  level_names = NULL,
  retain_all_uCodes_on_split = FALSE,
  quietly = FALSE



The indicator data and metadata of each unit


Indicator metadata


Optional character vector of any indicator codes (iCodes) to exclude from the coin(s).


This is used to split panel data into multiple coins, a so-called "purse". Should be either "all", or a subset of entries in iData$Time. See Details.


Optional character vector of names of levels. Must have length equal to the number of levels in the hierarchy (max(iMeta$Level, na.rm = TRUE)).


Logical: if panel data is input and split to a purse using split_to, this controls how units with no data at certain time points are handled. If set FALSE, then unit at time t with no data in any indicators will be removed completely from the coin for that time point. If TRUE, all units will be included in every time point. The latter option may be useful if you impute over time.


If TRUE, suppresses all messages


A coin object is fundamentally created by passing two data frames to new_coin(): iData which specifies the data points for each unit and indicator, as well as other optional variables; and iMeta which specifies details about each indicator/variable found in iData, including its type, name, position in the index, units, and other properties.

These data frames need to follow fairly strict requirements regarding their format and consistency. Run check_iData() and check_iMeta() to validate your data frames, and these should generate helpful error messages when things go wrong.

It is worth reading a little about coins and purses to use COINr. See vignette("coins") for more details.


iData should be a data frame with required column uCode which gives the code assigned to each unit (alphanumeric, not starting with a number). All other columns are defined by corresponding entries in iMeta, with the following special exceptions:

  • Time is an optional column which allows panel data to be input, consisting of e.g. multiple rows for each uCode: one for each Time value. This can be used to split a set of panel data into multiple coins (a so-called "purse") which can be input to COINr functions.

  • uName is an optional column which specifies a longer name for each unit. If this column is not included, unit codes (uCode) will be used as unit names where required.


Required columns for iMeta are:

  • Level: Level in aggregation, where 1 is indicator level, 2 is the level resulting from aggregating indicators, 3 is the result of aggregating level 2, and so on. Set to NA for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • iCode: Indicator code, alphanumeric. Must not start with a number.

  • Parent: Group (iCode) to which indicator/aggregate belongs in level immediately above. Each entry here should also be found in iCode. Set to NA only for the highest (Index) level (no parent), or for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • Direction: Numeric, either -1 or 1

  • Weight: Numeric weight, will be rescaled to sum to 1 within aggregation group. Set to NA for entries that are not included in the index (groups, denominators, etc).

  • Type: The type, corresponding to iCode. Can be either Indicator, Aggregate, Group, Denominator, or Other.

Optional columns that are recognised in certain functions are:

  • iName: Name of the indicator: a longer name which is used in some plotting functions.

  • Unit: the unit of the indicator, e.g. USD, thousands, score, etc. Used in some plots if available.

  • Target: a target for the indicator. Used if normalisation type is distance-to-target.

The iMeta data frame essentially gives details about each of the columns found in iData, as well as details about additional data columns eventually created by aggregating indicators. This means that the entries in iMeta must include all columns in iData, except the three special column names: uCode, uName, and Time. In other words, all column names of iData should appear in iMeta$iCode, except the three special cases mentioned. The iName column optionally can be used to give longer names to each indicator which can be used for display in plots.

iMeta also specifies the structure of the index, by specifying the parent of each indicator and aggregate. The Parent column must refer to entries that can be found in iCode. Try View(ASEM_iMeta) for an example of how this works.

Level is the "vertical" level in the hierarchy, where 1 is the bottom level (indicators), and each successive level is created by aggregating the level below according to its specified groups.

Direction is set to 1 if higher values of the indicator should result in higher values of the index, and -1 in the opposite case.

The Type column specifies the type of the entry: Indicator should be used for indicators at level 1. Aggregate for aggregates created by aggregating indicators or other aggregates. Otherwise set to Group if the variable is not used for building the index but instead is for defining groups of units. Set to Denominator if the variable is to be used for scaling (denominating) other indicators. Finally, set to Other if the variable should be ignored but passed through. Any other entries here will cause an error.

Note: this function requires the columns above as specified, but extra columns can also be added without causing errors.

Other arguments

The exclude argument can be used to exclude specified indicators. If this is specified, .$Data$Raw will be built excluding these indicators, as will all subsequent build operations. However the full data set will still be stored in .$Log$new_coin. The codes here should correspond to entries in the iMeta$iCode. This option is useful e.g. in generating alternative coins with different indicator sets, and can be included as a variable in a sensitivity analysis.

The split_to argument allows panel data to be used. Panel data must have a Time column in iData, which consists of some numerical time variable, such as a year. Panel data has multiple observations for each uCode, one for each unique entry in Time. The Time column is required to be numerical, because it needs to be possible to order it. To split panel data, specify split_to = "all" to split to a single coin for each of the unique entries in Time. Alternatively, you can pass a vector of entries in Time which allows to split to a subset of the entries to Time.

Splitting panel data results in a so-called "purse" class, which is a data frame of COINs, indexed by Time. See vignette("coins") for more details.

This function replaces the now-defunct assemble() from COINr < v1.0.


A "coin" object or a "purse" object.


# build a coin using example data frames
ASEM_coin <- new_coin(iData = ASEM_iData,
                      iMeta = ASEM_iMeta,
                      level_names = c("Indicator", "Pillar", "Sub-index", "Index"))
# view coin contents

# build example purse class
ASEM_purse <- new_coin(iData = ASEM_iData_p,
                       iMeta = ASEM_iMeta,
                       split_to = "all",
                       quietly = TRUE)
# view purse contents

# see vignette("coins") for further info

Normalise data


This is a generic function for normalising variables and indicators, i.e. bringing them onto a common scale. Please see individual method documentation depending on your data class:


Normalise(x, ...)



Object to be normalised


Further arguments to be passed to methods.


See also vignette("normalise") for more details.

This function replaces the now-defunct normalise() from COINr < v1.0.


# See individual method documentation.

Create a normalised data set


Creates a normalised data set using specifications specified in global_specs. Columns of dset can also optionally be normalised with individual specifications using the indiv_specs argument. If indicators should have their directions reversed, this can be specified using the directions argument. Non-numeric columns are ignored automatically by this function. By default, this function normalises each indicator using the "min-max" method, scaling indicators to lie between 0 and 100. This calls the n_minmax() function. COINr has a number of built-in normalisation functions of the form ⁠n_*()⁠. See online documentation for details.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  global_specs = NULL,
  indiv_specs = NULL,
  directions = NULL,
  out2 = "coin",
  write_to = NULL,
  write2log = TRUE,



A coin


A named data set found in .$Data


Specifications to apply to all columns, apart from those specified by indiv_specs. See details.


Specifications applied to specific columns, overriding those specified in global_specs. See details.


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data set

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will be taken from the iMeta table in the coin, if available.


Either "coin" to return normalised data set back to the coin, or df to simply return a data frame.


Optional character string for naming the data set in the coin. Data will be written to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default is write_to == "Normalised".


Logical: if FALSE, the arguments of this function are not written to the coin log, so this function will not be invoked when regenerating. Recommend to keep TRUE unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Global specification

The global_specs argument is a list which specifies the normalisation function and any function parameters that should be used to normalise the indicators found in the data set. Unless indiv_specs is specified, this will be applied to all indicators. The list should have two entries:

  • .$f_n: the name of the function to use to normalise each indicator

  • .$f_n_para: any further parameters to pass to f_n, apart from the numeric vector (each column of the data set)

In this list, f_n should be a character string which is the name of a normalisation function. For example, f_n = "n_minmax" calls the n_minmax() function. f_n_para is a list of any further arguments to f_n. This means that any function can be passed to Normalise(), as long as its first argument is x, a numeric vector, and it returns a numeric vector of the same length. See n_minmax() for an example.

f_n_para is required to be a named list. So e.g. if we define a function f1(x, arg1, arg2) then we should specify f_n = "f1", and f_n_para = list(arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2), where val1 and val2 are the values assigned to the arguments arg1 and arg2 respectively.

The default list for global_specs is: list(f_n = "n_minmax", f_n_para = list(l_u = c(0,100))), i.e. min-max normalisation between 0 and 100.

Note, all COINr normalisation functions (passed to f_n) are of the form ⁠n_*()⁠. Type n_ in the R Studio console and press the Tab key to see a list.

Individual parameter specification with iMeta

For some normalisation methods we may use the same function for all indicators but use different parameters - for example, using distance to target normalisation or goalpost normalisation. COINr now supports specifying these parameters in the iMeta table. To enable this, set f_n_para = "use_iMeta" within the global_specs list.

For this to work you will also need to add the correct-named columns in the iMeta table. To see which column names to add, check the function documentation of the normalisation function you wish to use (e.g. n_goalposts()). See also examples in the normalisation vignette. These columns should be added before construction of the coin.

Individual column specification

To give full individual control, indicators can be normalised with different normalisation functions and parameters using the indiv_specs argument. This must be specified as a named list e.g. list(i1 = specs1, i2 = specs2) where i1 and i2 are iCodes to apply individual normalisation to, and specs1 and specs2 are respectively lists of the same format as global_specs (see above). In other words, indiv_specs is a big list wrapping together global_specs-style lists. Any iCodes not named in indiv_specs ( i.e. those not in names(indiv_specs)) are normalised using the specifications from global_specs. So indiv_specs lists the exceptions to global_specs.

See also vignette("normalise") for more details.


An updated coin


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# normalise the raw data set
coin <- Normalise(coin, dset = "Raw")

Normalise a data frame


Normalises a data frame using specifications specified in global_specs. Columns can also optionally be normalised with individual specifications using the indiv_specs argument. If variables should have their directions reversed, this can be specified using the directions argument. Non-numeric columns are ignored automatically by this function. By default, this function normalises each indicator using the "min-max" method, scaling indicators to lie between 0 and 100. This calls the n_minmax() function. COINr has a number of built-in normalisation functions of the form ⁠n_*()⁠. See online documentation for details.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
Normalise(x, global_specs = NULL, indiv_specs = NULL, directions = NULL, ...)



A data frame


Specifications to apply to all columns, apart from those specified by indiv_specs. See details.


Specifications applied to specific columns, overriding those specified in global_specs. See details.


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data frame

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will all be assigned as 1. Non-numeric columns do not need to have directions assigned.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Global specification

The global_specs argument is a list which specifies the normalisation function and any function parameters that should be used to normalise the columns of x. Unless indiv_specs is specified, this will be applied to all numeric columns of x. The list should have two entries:

  • .$f_n: the name of the function to use to normalise each column

  • .$f_n_para: any further parameters to pass to f_n, apart from the numeric vector (each column of x)

In this list, f_n should be a character string which is the name of a normalisation function. For example, f_n = "n_minmax" calls the n_minmax() function. f_n_para is a list of any further arguments to f_n. This means that any function can be passed to Normalise(), as long as its first argument is x, a numeric vector, and it returns a numeric vector of the same length. See n_minmax() for an example.

f_n_para is required to be a named list. So e.g. if we define a function f1(x, arg1, arg2) then we should specify f_n = "f1", and f_n_para = list(arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2), where val1 and val2 are the values assigned to the arguments arg1 and arg2 respectively.

The default list for global_specs is: list(f_n = "n_minmax", f_n_para = list(l_u = c(0,100))).

Note, all COINr normalisation functions (passed to f_n) are of the form ⁠n_*()⁠. Type n_ in the R Studio console and press the Tab key to see a list.

Individual column specification

Optionally, columns of x can be normalised with different normalisation functions and parameters using the indiv_specs argument. This must be specified as a named list e.g. list(i1 = specs1, i2 = specs2) where i1 and i2 are column names of x to apply individual normalisation to, and specs1 and specs2 are respectively lists of the same format as global_specs (see above). In other words, indiv_specs is a big list wrapping together global_specs-style lists. Any numeric columns of x not named in indiv_specs ( i.e. those not in names(indiv_specs)) are normalised using the specifications from global_specs. So indiv_specs lists the exceptions to global_specs.

See also vignette("normalise") for more details.


A normalised data frame


iris_norm <- Normalise(iris)

Normalise a numeric vector


Normalise a numeric vector using a specified function f_n, with possible reversal of direction using direction.


## S3 method for class 'numeric'
Normalise(x, f_n = NULL, f_n_para = NULL, direction = 1, ...)



Object to be normalised


The normalisation method, specified as string which refers to a function of the form f_n(x, npara). See details. Defaults to "n_minmax" which is the min-max function.


Supporting list of arguments for f_n. This is required to be a list.


If direction = -1 the highest values of x will correspond to the lowest values of the normalised x. Else if direction = 1 the direction of x in unaltered.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Normalisation is specified using the f_n and f_n_para arguments. In these, f_n should be a character string which is the name of a normalisation function. For example, f_n = "n_minmax" calls the n_minmax() function. f_n_para is a list of any further arguments to f_n. This means that any function can be passed to Normalise(), as long as its first argument is x, a numeric vector, and it returns a numeric vector of the same length. See n_minmax() for an example.

COINr has a number of built-in normalisation functions of the form ⁠n_*()⁠. See online documentation for details.

f_n_para is required to be a named list. So e.g. if we define a function f1(x, arg1, arg2) then we should specify f_n = "f1", and f_n_para = list(arg1 = val1, arg2 = val2), where val1 and val2 are the values assigned to the arguments arg1 and arg2 respectively.

See also vignette("normalise") for more details.


A normalised numeric vector


# example vector
x <- runif(10)

# normalise using distance to reference (5th data point)
x_norm <- Normalise(x, f_n = "n_dist2ref", f_n_para = list(iref = 5))

# view side by side
data.frame(x, x_norm)

Create normalised data sets in a purse of coins


This creates normalised data sets for each coin in the purse. In most respects, this works in a similar way to normalising on a coin, for which reason please see Normalise.coin() for most documentation. There is however a special case in terms of operating on a purse of coins. This is because, when dealing with time series data, it is often desirable to normalise over the whole panel data set at once rather than independently for each time point. This makes the resulting index and aggregates comparable over time. Here, the global argument controls whether to normalise each coin independently or to normalise across all data at once. In other respects, this function behaves the same as Normalise.coin().


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  global_specs = NULL,
  indiv_specs = NULL,
  directions = NULL,
  global = TRUE,
  write_to = NULL,



A purse object


The data set to normalise in each coin


Default specifications


Individual specifications


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data set

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will be taken from the iMeta table in the coin, if available.


Logical: if TRUE, normalisation is performed "globally" across all coins, by using e.g. the max and min of each indicator in any coin. This effectively makes normalised scores comparable between coins because they are all scaled using the same parameters. Otherwise if FALSE, coins are normalised individually.


Optional character string for naming the data set in each coin. Data will be written to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default is write_to == "Normalised".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The same specifications are passed to each coin in the purse. This means that each coin is normalised using the same set of specifications and directions. If you need control over individual coins, you will have to normalise coins individually.


An updated purse with new normalised data sets added at .$Data$Normalised in each coin


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# normalise raw data set
purse <- Normalise(purse, dset = "Raw", global = TRUE)

Outranking matrix


Constructs an outranking matrix based on a data frame of indicator data and corresponding weights.


outrankMatrix(X, w = NULL)



A data frame or matrix of indicator data, with observations as rows and indicators as columns. No other columns should be present (e.g. label columns).


A vector of weights, which should have length equal to ncol(X). Weights are relative and will be re-scaled to sum to 1. If w is not specified, defaults to equal weights.


A list with:

  • .$OutRankMatrix the outranking matrix with nrow(X) rows and columns (matrix class).

  • .$nDominant the number of dominance/robust pairs

  • .$fracDominant the percentage of dominance/robust pairs


# get a sample of a few indicators
ind_data <- COINr::ASEM_iData[12:16]
# calculate outranking matrix
outlist <- outrankMatrix(ind_data)
# see fraction of dominant pairs (robustness)

Bar chart


Plot bar charts of single indicators. Bar charts can be coloured by an optional grouping variable by_group, or if iCode points to an aggregate, setting stack_children = TRUE will plot iCode coloured by its underlying scores.


  uLabel = "uCode",
  axes_label = "iCode",
  by_group = NULL,
  filter_to_ends = NULL,
  dset_label = FALSE,
  log_scale = FALSE,
  stack_children = FALSE,
  bar_colours = NULL,
  flip_coords = FALSE



A coin object.


Data set from which to extract the variable to plot. Passed to get_data().


Code of variable or indicator to plot. Passed to get_data().


Further arguments to pass to get_data(), e.g. for filtering units.


How to label units: either "uCode", or "uName".


How to label the y axis and group legend: either "iCode" or "iName".


Optional group variable to use to colour bars. Cannot be used if stack_children = TRUE.


Optional way to filter the bar chart to only display the top/bottom N units. This is useful in cases where the number of units is large. Specify as e.g. list(top = 10) or list(bottom = 10) to return only the top or bottom ten units respectively (the value 10 can be changed of course).


Logical: whether to include the data set in the y axis label.


Logical: if TRUE uses a log scale for the y axis.


Logical: if TRUE and iCode refers to an aggregate, will plot iCode with each bar split into its underlying component values (the underlying indicators/aggregates used to create iCode). To use this, you must have aggregated your data and dset must point to a data set where the underlying (child) scores of iCode are available.


Optional vector of colour codes for colouring bars.


Logical; if TRUE flips to horizontal bars.


This function uses ggplot2 to generate plots, so the plot can be further manipulated using ggplot2 commands. See ⁠vignette("visualisation⁠) for more details on plotting.


A ggplot2 plot object.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# bar plot of CO2 by GDP per capita group
plot_bar(coin, dset = "Raw", iCode = "CO2",
         by_group = "GDPpc_group", axes_label = "iName")

Static heatmaps of correlation matrices


Generates heatmaps of correlation matrices using ggplot2, which can be tailored according to the grouping and structure of the index. This enables correlating any set of indicators against any other, and supports calling named aggregation groups of indicators. The withparent argument generates tables of correlations only with parents of each indicator. Also supports discrete colour maps using flagcolours, different types of correlation, and groups plots by higher aggregation levels.


  iCodes = NULL,
  Levels = 1,
  cortype = "pearson",
  withparent = FALSE,
  grouplev = NULL,
  box_level = NULL,
  showvals = TRUE,
  flagcolours = FALSE,
  flagthresh = NULL,
  pval = 0.05,
  insig_colour = "#F0F0F0",
  text_colour = NULL,
  discrete_colours = NULL,
  box_colour = NULL,
  order_as = NULL,
  use_directions = FALSE



The coin object


The target data set.


An optional list of character vectors where the first entry specifies the indicator/aggregate codes to correlate against the second entry (also a specification of indicator/aggregate codes)


The aggregation levels to take the two groups of indicators from. See get_data() for details.


Optional further arguments to pass to get_data().


The type of correlation to calculate, either "pearson", "spearman", or "kendall" (see stats::cor()).


If aglev[1] != aglev[2], and equal TRUE will only plot correlations of each row with its parent. If "family", plots the lowest aggregation level in Levels against all its parent levels. If FALSE plots the full correlation matrix (default).


The aggregation level to group correlations by if aglev[1] == aglev[2]. By default, groups correlations into the aggregation level above. Set to 0 to disable grouping and plot the full matrix.


The aggregation level to draw boxes around if aglev[1] == aglev[2].


If TRUE, shows correlation values. If FALSE, no values shown.


If TRUE, uses discrete colour map with thresholds defined by flagthresh. If FALSE uses continuous colour map.


A 3-length vector of thresholds for highlighting correlations, if flagcolours = TRUE. flagthresh[1] is the negative threshold (default -0.4). Below this value, values will be flagged red. flagthresh[2] is the "weak" threshold (default 0.3). Values between flagthresh[1] and flagthresh[2] are coloured grey. flagthresh[3] is the "high" threshold (default 0.9). Anything between flagthresh[2] and flagthresh[3] is flagged "OK", and anything above flagthresh[3] is flagged "high".


The significance level for plotting correlations. Correlations with p<pvalp < pval will be shown, otherwise they will be plotted as the colour specified by insig_colour. Set to 0 to disable this.


The colour to plot insignificant correlations. Defaults to a light grey.


The colour of the correlation value text (default white).


An optional 4-length character vector of colour codes or names to define the discrete colour map if flagcolours = TRUE (from high to low correlation categories). Defaults to a green/blue/grey/purple.


The line colour of grouping boxes, default black.


Optional list for ordering the plotting of variables. If specified, this must be a list of length 2, where each entry of the list is a character vector of the iCodes plotted on the x and y axes of the plot. The plot will then follow the order of these character vectors. Note this must be used with care because the grouplev and boxlev arguments will not follow the reordering. Hence this argument is probably best used for plots with no grouping, or for simply re-ordering within groups.


Logical: if TRUE the extracted data is adjusted using directions found inside the coin (i.e. the "Direction" column input in iMeta: any indicators with negative direction will have their values multiplied by -1 which will reverse the direction of correlation). This should only be set to TRUE if the data set has not yet been normalised. For example, this can be useful to set to TRUE to analyse correlations in the raw data, but would make no sense to analyse correlations in the normalised data because that already has the direction adjusted! So you would reverse direction twice. In other words, use this at your discretion.


This function calls get_corr().

Note that this function can only call correlations within the same data set (i.e. only one data set in .$Data).

This function uses ggplot2 to generate plots, so the plot can be further manipulated using ggplot2 commands. See vignette("visualisation") for more details on plotting.

This function replaces the now-defunct plotCorr() from COINr < v1.0.


A plot object generated with ggplot2, which can be edited further with ggplot2 commands.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "Normalise", quietly = TRUE)

# plot correlations between indicators in Sust group, using Normalised dset
plot_corr(coin, dset = "Normalised", iCodes = list("Sust"),
          grouplev = 2, flagcolours = TRUE)

Static indicator distribution plots


Plots indicator distributions using box plots, dot plots, violin plots, violin-dot plots, and histograms. Supports plotting multiple indicators by calling aggregation groups.


  type = "Box",
  normalise = FALSE,
  global_specs = NULL



The coin object, or a data frame of indicator data


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


Indicator code(s) to plot. See details.


Further arguments passed to get_data() (other than coin, dset and iCodes).


The type of plot. Currently supported "Box", "Dot", "Violin", "Violindot", "Histogram".


Logical: if TRUE, normalises the data first, using global_specs. If FALSE (default), data is not normalised.


Specifications for normalising data if normalise = TRUE. This is passed to the global_specs argument of Normalise().


This function uses ggplot2 to generate plots, so the plot can be further manipulated using ggplot2 commands. See ⁠vignette("visualisation⁠) for more details on plotting.

This function replaces the now-defunct plotIndDist() from COINr < v1.0.


A ggplot2 plot object.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# plot all indicators in P2P group
plot_dist(coin, dset = "Raw", iCodes = "P2P", Level = 1, type = "Violindot")

Dot plots of single indicator with highlighting


Plots a single indicator as a line of dots, and optionally highlights selected units and statistics. This is intended for showing the relative position of units to other units, rather than as a statistical plot. For the latter, use plot_dist().


  Level = NULL,
  usel = NULL,
  marker_type = "circle",
  add_stat = NULL,
  stat_label = NULL,
  show_ticks = TRUE,
  plabel = NULL,
  usel_label = TRUE,
  vert_adjust = 0.5



The coin


The name of the data set to apply the function to, which should be accessible in .$Data.


Code of indicator or aggregate found in dset. Required to be of length 1.


The level in the hierarchy to extract data from. See get_data().


Further arguments to pass to get_data(), other than those explicitly specified here.


A subset of units to highlight.


The type of marker, either "circle" (default) or "cross", or a marker number to pass to ggplot2 (0-25).


A statistic to overlay, either "mean", "median" or else a specified value.


An optional string to use as label at the point specified by add_stat.


Set FALSE to remove axis ticks.


Controls the labelling of the indicator. If NULL (default), returns the indicator code. Otherwise if "iName", returns only indicator name, if "iName+unit", returns indicator name plus unit (if found), if "unit" returns only unit (if found), otherwise if "none", displays no text. Finally, any other string can be passed, so e.g. "My indicator" will display this on the axis.


If TRUE (default) also labels selected units with their unit codes. FALSE to disable.


Adjusts the vertical height of text labels and stat lines, which matters depending on plot size. Takes a value between 0 to 2 (higher will probably remove the label from the axis space).


This function uses ggplot2 to generate plots, so the plot can be further manipulated using ggplot2 commands. See ⁠vignette("visualisation⁠) for more details on plotting.

This function replaces the now-defunct plotIndDot() from COINr < v1.0.


A ggplot2 plot object.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# dot plot of LPI, highlighting two countries and with median shown
plot_dot(coin, dset = "Raw", iCode = "LPI", usel = c("JPN", "ESP"),
         add_stat = "median", stat_label = "Median", plabel = "iName+unit")

Framework plots


Plots the hierarchical indicator framework. If type = "sunburst" (default), the framework is plotted as a sunburst plot. If type = "stack" it is plotted as a linear stack. In both cases, the size of each component is reflected by its weight and the weight of its parent, i.e. its "effective weight" in the framework.


  type = "sunburst",
  colour_level = NULL,
  text_colour = NULL,
  text_size = NULL,
  transparency = TRUE,
  text_label = "iCode"



A coin class object


Either "sunburst" or "stack".


The framework level, as an integer, to colour from. See details.


Colour of label text - default "white".


Text size of labels, default 2.5


If TRUE, levels below colour_level are differentiated with some transparency.


Text labelling of segments: either "iCode" or "iName"


The colouring of the plot is defined to some extent by the colour_level argument. This should be specified as an integer between 1 and the highest level in the framework (i.e. the maximum of the iMeta$Level column). Levels higher than and including colour_level are coloured with individual colours from the standard colour palette. Any levels below colour_level are coloured with the same colours as their parents, to emphasise that they belong to the same group, and also to avoid repeating the colour palette. Levels below colour_level can be additionally differentiated by setting transparency = TRUE which will apply increasing transparency to lower levels.

This function returns a ggplot2 class object. If you want more control over the appearance of the plot, pass return the output of this function to a variable, and manipulate this further with ggplot2 commands to e.g. change colour palette, individual colours, add titles, etc. See ⁠vignette("visualisation⁠) for more details on plotting.

This function replaces the now-defunct plotframework() from COINr < v1.0.


A ggplot2 plot object


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# plot framework as sunburst, colouring at level 2 upwards
plot_framework(coin, colour_level = 2, transparency = TRUE)

Scatter plot of two variables


This is a convenient quick scatter plot function for plotting any two variables x and y in a coin against each other. At a minimum, you must specify the data set and iCode of both x and y using the dsets and iCodes arguments.


  by_group = NULL,
  alpha = 0.5,
  axes_label = "iCode",
  dset_label = TRUE,
  point_label = NULL,
  check_overlap = TRUE,
  nudge_y = 5,
  log_scale = c(FALSE, FALSE)



A coin object


A 2-length character vector specifying the data sets to extract v1 and v2 from, respectively (passed as dset argument to get_data(). Alternatively specify as a single string which will be used for both x and y.


A 2-length character vector specifying the iCodes to use as v1 and v2, respectively (passed as iCodes argument to get_data(). Alternatively specify as a single string which will be used for both x and y.


Optional further arguments to be passed to get_data(), e.g. to specify which uCodes to plot.


A string specifying an optional group variable. If specified, the plot will be coloured by this grouping variable.


Transparency value for points between 0 and 1, passed to ggplot2.


A string specifying how to label axes and legend. Either "iCode" to use the respective codes of each variable, or else "iName" to use the names (as specified in iMeta).


Logical: if TRUE (default), also adds to the axis labels which data set each variable is from.


Specifies whether and how to label points. If "uCode", points are labelled with their unit codes, else if "uName", points are labelled with their unit names. Set NULL to remove labels (default).


Logical: if TRUE (default), point labels that overlap are removed - this results in a legible plot but some labels may be missing. Else if FALSE, all labels are plotted.


Parameter passed to ggplot which controls the vertical adjustment of the text labels if present.


A 2-length logical vector specifying whether to use log axes for x and y respectively: if TRUE, a log axis will be used. Defaults to not-log.


Optionally, the scatter plot can be coloured by grouping variables specified in the coin (see by_group). Points and axes can be labelled using other arguments.

This function is powered by ggplot2 and outputs a ggplot2 object. To further customise the plot, assign the output of this function to a variable and use ggplot2 commands to further edit. See ⁠vignette("visualisation⁠) for more details on plotting.


A ggplot2 object.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# scatter plot of Flights against Population
# coloured by GDP per capita
# log scale applied to population
plot_scatter(coin, dsets = c("uMeta", "Raw"),
             iCodes = c("Population", "Flights"),
             by_group = "GDPpc_group", log_scale = c(TRUE, FALSE))

Plot sensitivity indices


Plots sensitivity indices as bar or pie charts.


plot_sensitivity(SAresults, ptype = "bar")



A list of sensitivity/uncertainty analysis results from plot_sensitivity().


Type of plot to generate - either "bar", "pie" or "box".


To use this function you first need to run get_sensitivity(). Then enter the resulting list as the SAresults argument here.

See vignette("sensitivity").

This function replaces the now-defunct plotSA() from COINr < v1.0.


A plot of sensitivity indices generated by ggplot2.

See Also


# for examples, see `vignette("sensitivity")`
# (this is because package examples are run automatically and sensitivity analysis
# can take a few minutes to run at realistic settings)

Plot ranks from an uncertainty/sensitivity analysis


Plots the ranks resulting from an uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, in particular plots the median, and 5th/95th percentiles of ranks.


  plot_units = NULL,
  order_by = "nominal",
  dot_colour = NULL,
  line_colour = NULL



A list of sensitivity/uncertainty analysis results from get_sensitivity().


A character vector of units to plot. Defaults to all units. You can also set to "top10" to only plot top 10 units, and "bottom10" for bottom ten.


If set to "nominal", orders the rank plot by nominal ranks (i.e. the original ranks prior to the sensitivity analysis). Otherwise if "median", orders by median ranks.


Colour of dots representing median ranks.


Colour of lines connecting 5th and 95th percentiles.


To use this function you first need to run get_sensitivity(). Then enter the resulting list as the SAresults argument here.

See vignette("sensitivity").

This function replaces the now-defunct plotSARanks() from COINr < v1.0.


A plot of rank confidence intervals, generated by 'ggplot2'.

See Also


# for examples, see `vignette("sensitivity")`
# (this is because package examples are run automatically and sensitivity analysis
# can take a few minutes to run at realistic settings)

Percentage change of time series


Calculates the percentage change in a time series from the initial value. The time series is defined by y the response variable, indexed by x, the time variable. The per argument can optionally be used to scale the result according to a period of time. E.g. if the units of x are years, setting x = 10 will measure the percentage change per decade.


prc_change(y, x, per = 1)



A numeric vector


A numeric vector of the same length as y, indexing y in time. No NA values are allowed in x.


Numeric value to scale the change according to a period of time. See description.


This function operates in two ways, depending on the number of data points. If x and y have two non-NA observations, percentage change is calculated using the first and last values. If three or more points are available, a linear regression is used to estimate the average percentage change. If fewer than two points are available, the percentage change cannot be estimated and NA is returned.

If all y values are equal, it will return a change of zero.


Percentage change as a scalar value.


# a time vector
x <- 2011:2020

# some random points
y <- runif(10)

# find percentage change per decade
prc_change(y, x, 10)

Print coin


Some details about the coin


## S3 method for class 'coin'
print(x, ...)



A coin


Arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


Text output

Print purse


Some details about the purse


## S3 method for class 'purse'
print(x, ...)



A purse


Arguments to be passed to or from other methods.


Text output

Quick normalisation


This is a generic wrapper function for Normalise(), which offers a simpler syntax but less flexibility.


qNormalise(x, ...)



Object to be normalised


arguments passed to or from other methods.


See individual method documentation:


A normalised object

Quick normalisation of a coin


This is a wrapper function for Normalise(), which offers a simpler syntax but less flexibility. It normalises a data set within a coin using a specified function f_n which is used to normalise each indicator, with additional function arguments passed by f_n_para. By default, f_n = "n_minmax" and f_n_para is set so that the indicators are normalised using the min-max method, between 0 and 100.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  f_n = "n_minmax",
  f_n_para = list(l_u = c(0, 100)),
  directions = NULL,



A coin


Name of data set to normalise


Name of a normalisation function (as a string) to apply to each indicator. Default "n_minmax".


Any further arguments to pass to f_n, as a named list.


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data frame

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will be taken from the iMeta table in the coin, if available.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Essentially, this function is similar to Normalise() but brings parameters into the function arguments rather than being wrapped in a list. It also does not allow individual normalisation.

See Normalise() documentation for more details, and vignette("normalise").


An updated coin with normalised data set.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# normalise raw data set using min max, but change to scale 1-10
coin <- qNormalise(coin, dset = "Raw", f_n = "n_minmax",
                   f_n_para = list(l_u = c(1,10)))

Quick normalisation of a data frame


This is a wrapper function for Normalise(), which offers a simpler syntax but less flexibility. It normalises a data frame using a specified function f_n which is used to normalise each column, with additional function arguments passed by f_n_para. By default, f_n = "n_minmax" and f_n_para is set so that the columns of x are normalised using the min-max method, between 0 and 100.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
qNormalise(x, f_n = "n_minmax", f_n_para = NULL, directions = NULL, ...)



A numeric data frame


Name of a normalisation function (as a string) to apply to each column of x. Default "n_minmax".


Any further arguments to pass to f_n, as a named list. If f_n = "n_minmax", this defaults to list(l_u = c(0,100)) (scale between 0 and 100).


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data frame

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will all be assigned as 1. Non-numeric columns do not need to have directions assigned.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Essentially, this function is similar to Normalise() but brings parameters into the function arguments rather than being wrapped in a list. It also does not allow individual normalisation.

See Normalise() documentation for more details, and vignette("normalise").


A normalised data frame


# some made up data
X <- data.frame(uCode = letters[1:10],
                a = runif(10),
                b = runif(10)*100)
# normalise (defaults to min-max)

Quick normalisation of a purse


This is a wrapper function for Normalise(), which offers a simpler syntax but less flexibility. It normalises data sets within a purse using a specified function f_n which is used to normalise each indicator, with additional function arguments passed by f_n_para. By default, f_n = "n_minmax" and f_n_para is set so that the indicators are normalised using the min-max method, between 0 and 100.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  f_n = "n_minmax",
  f_n_para = list(l_u = c(0, 100)),
  directions = NULL,
  global = TRUE,



A purse


Name of data set to normalise


Name of a normalisation function (as a string) to apply to each indicator. Default "n_minmax".


Any further arguments to pass to f_n, as a named list.


An optional data frame containing the following columns:

  • iCode The indicator code, corresponding to the column names of the data frame

  • Direction numeric vector with entries either -1 or 1 If directions is not specified, the directions will be taken from the iMeta table in the coin, if available.


Logical: if TRUE, normalisation is performed "globally" across all coins, by using e.g. the max and min of each indicator in any coin. This effectively makes normalised scores comparable between coins because they are all scaled using the same parameters. Otherwise if FALSE, coins are normalised individually.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


Essentially, this function is similar to Normalise() but brings parameters into the function arguments rather than being wrapped in a list. It also does not allow individual normalisation.

Normalisation can either be performed independently on each coin, or over the entire panel data set simultaneously. See the discussion in Normalise.purse() and vignette("normalise").


An updated purse with normalised data sets


# build example purse
purse <- build_example_purse(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# normalise using min-max, globally
purse <- qNormalise(purse, dset = "Raw", global = TRUE)

Quick outlier treatment


This is a generic wrapper function for Treat(). It offers a simpler syntax but less flexibility.


qTreat(x, ...)



Object to be normalised.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


See individual method documentation:


A treated object


# See individual method examples

Quick outlier treatment of a coin


A simplified version of Treat() which allows direct access to the default parameters. This has less flexibility, but is an easier interface and probably more convenient if the objective is to use the default treatment process but with some minor adjustments.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  winmax = 5,
  skew_thresh = 2,
  kurt_thresh = 3.5,
  f2 = "log_CT",



A coin


Name of data set to treat for outliers


Maximum number of points to Winsorise for each indicator. Default 5.


Absolute skew threshold - default 2.


Kurtosis threshold - default 3.5.


Function to call if Winsorisation does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits. Default "log_CT".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function treats each indicator in the data set targeted by dset using the following process:

  • First, it checks whether skew and kurtosis are within the specified limits of skew_thresh and kurt_thresh

  • If the indicator is not within the limits, it applies the winsorise() function, with maximum number of winsorised points specified by winmax.

  • If winsorisation does not bring the indicator within the skew/kurtosis limits, it is instead passed to f2, which is a second outlier treatment function, default log_CT().

The arguments of qTreat() are passed to Treat().

See Treat() documentation for more details, and vignette("treat").


An updated coin with treated data set at .$Data$Treated.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# treat with winmax = 3
coin <- qTreat(coin, dset = "Raw", winmax = 3)

Quick outlier treatment of a data frame


A simplified version of Treat() which allows direct access to the default parameters. This has less flexibility, but is an easier interface and probably more convenient if the objective is to use the default treatment process but with some minor adjustments.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
qTreat(x, winmax = 5, skew_thresh = 2, kurt_thresh = 3.5, f2 = "log_CT", ...)



A numeric data frame


Maximum number of points to Winsorise for each column. Default 5.


Absolute skew threshold - default 2.


Kurtosis threshold - default 3.5.


Function to call if Winsorisation does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits. Default "log_CT".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function treats each column in x using the following process:

  • First, it checks whether skew and kurtosis are within the specified limits of skew_thresh and kurt_thresh

  • If the column is not within the limits, it applies the winsorise() function, with maximum number of winsorised points specified by winmax.

  • If winsorisation does not bring the column within the skew/kurtosis limits, it is instead passed to f2, which is a second outlier treatment function, default log_CT().

The arguments of qTreat() are passed to Treat().

See Treat() documentation for more details, and vignette("treat").


A list


# select three indicators
df1 <- ASEM_iData[c("Flights", "Goods", "Services")]

# treat data frame, changing winmax and skew/kurtosis limits
l_treat <- qTreat(df1, winmax = 1, skew_thresh = 1.5, kurt_thresh = 3)

# Now we check what the results are:

Quick outlier treatment of a purse


A simplified version of Treat() which allows direct access to the default parameters. This has less flexibility, but is an easier interface and probably more convenient if the objective is to use the default treatment process but with some minor adjustments.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  winmax = 5,
  skew_thresh = 2,
  kurt_thresh = 3.5,
  f2 = "log_CT",



A purse


Name of data set to treat for outliers in each coin


Maximum number of points to Winsorise for each indicator. Default 5.


Absolute skew threshold - default 2.


Kurtosis threshold - default 3.5.


Function to call if Winsorisation does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits. Default "log_CT".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function simply applies the same data treatment to each coin. See documentation for Treat.coin(), qTreat.coin() and vignette("treat").


An updated purse



Convert a data frame to ranks


Replaces all numerical columns of a data frame with their ranks. Uses sport ranking, i.e. ties share the highest rank place. Ignores non-numerical columns. See rank(). Optionally, returns in-group ranks using a specified grouping column.


rank_df(df, use_group = NULL)



A data frame


An optional column of df (specified as a string) to use as a grouping variable. If specified, returns ranks inside each group present in this column.


This function replaces the now-defunct rankDF() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame equal to the data frame that was input, but with any numerical columns replaced with ranks.


# some random data, with a column of characters
df <- data.frame(RName = c("A", "B", "C"),
Score1 = runif(3), Score2 = runif(3))
# convert to ranks
# grouped ranking - use some example data
df1 <- ASEM_iData[c("uCode", "GDP_group", "Goods", "LPI")]
rank_df(df1, use_group = "GDP_group")

Regenerate a coin or purse


Methods for regenerating coins and purses. Regeneration is re-running all the functions used to build the coin/purse, using the order and parameters found in the .$Log list of the coin.


Regen(x, from = NULL, quietly = TRUE)



A coin or purse object to be regenerated


Optional: a construction function name. If specified, regeneration begins from this function, rather than re-running all functions.


If TRUE (default), messages are suppressed during building.


Please see individual method documentation:

See also vignette("adjustments").

This function replaces the now-defunct regen() from COINr < v1.0.


A regenerated object


# see individual method examples

Regenerate a coin


Regenerates the .$Data entries in a coin by rerunning the construction functions according to the specifications in .$Log. This effectively regenerates the results. Different variations of coins can be quickly achieved by editing the saved arguments in .$Log and regenerating.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
Regen(x, from = NULL, quietly = TRUE, ...)



A coin class object


Optional: a construction function name. If specified, regeneration begins from this function, rather than re-running all functions.


If TRUE (default), messages are suppressed during building.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The from argument allows partial regeneration, starting from a specified function. This can be helpful to speed up regeneration in some cases. However, keep in mind that if you change a .$Log argument from a function that is run before the point that you choose to start running from, it will not affect the results.

Note that while sets of weights will be passed to the regenerated COIN, anything in .$Analysis will be removed and will have to be recalculated.

See also vignette("adjustments") for more info on regeneration.


Updated coin object with regenerated results (data sets).


# build full example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# copy coin
coin2 <- coin

# change to prank function (percentile ranks)
# we don't need to specify any additional parameters (f_n_para) here
coin2$Log$Normalise$global_specs <- list(f_n = "n_prank")

# regenerate
coin2 <- Regen(coin2)

# compare index, sort by absolute rank difference
compare_coins(coin, coin2, dset = "Aggregated", iCode = "Index",
              sort_by = "Abs.diff", decreasing = TRUE)

Regenerate a purse


Regenerates the .$Data entries in all coins by rerunning the construction functions according to the specifications in .$Log, for each coin in the purse. This effectively regenerates the results.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
Regen(x, from = NULL, quietly = TRUE, ...)



A purse class object


Optional: a construction function name. If specified, regeneration begins from this function, rather than re-running all functions.


If TRUE (default), messages are suppressed during building.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The from argument allows partial regeneration, starting from a specified function. This can be helpful to speed up regeneration in some cases. However, keep in mind that if you change a .$Log argument from a function that is run before the point that you choose to start running from, it will not affect the results.

Note that for the moment, regeneration of purses is only partially supported. This is because usually, in the normalisation step, it is necessary to normalise across the full panel data set (see the global argument in Normalise()). At the moment, purse regeneration is performed by regenerating each coin individually, but this does not allow for global normalisation which has to be done at the purse level. This may be fixed in future releases.

See also documentation for Regen.coin() and vignette("adjustments").


Updated purse object with regenerated results.


# see examples from Regen.coin() and vignette("adjustments")

Check the effect of removing indicators or aggregates


This is an analysis function for seeing what happens when elements of the composite indicator are removed. This can help with "what if" experiments and acts as different measure of the influence of each indicator or aggregate.


remove_elements(coin, Level, dset, iCode, quietly = FALSE)



A coin class object, which must be constructed up to and including the aggregation step, i.e. using Aggregate().


The level at which to remove elements. For example, Level = 1 would check the effect of removing each indicator, one at a time. Level = 2 would check the effect of removing each of the aggregation groups above the indicator level, one at a time.


The name of the data set to take iCode from. Most likely this should be name of the aggregated data set, typically "Aggregated".


A character string indicating the indicator or aggregate code to extract from each iteration. I.e. normally this would be set to the index code to compare the ranks of the index upon removing each indicator or aggregate. But it can be any code that is present in .$Data[[dset]].


Logical: if FALSE (default) will output to the console an indication of progress. Might be useful when iterating over many indicators. Otherwise set to TRUE to shut this up.


One way of looking at indicator "importance" in a composite indicator is via correlations. A different way is to see what happens if we remove the indicator completely from the framework. If removing an indicator or a whole aggregation of indicators results in very little rank change, it is one indication that perhaps it is not necessary to include it. Emphasis on one: there may be many other things to take into account.

This function works by successively setting the weight of each indicator or aggregate to zero. If the analysis is performed at the indicator level, it creates a copy of the coin, sets the weight of the first indicator to zero, regenerates the results, and compares to the nominal results (results when no weights are set to zero). It repeats this for each indicator in turn, such that each time one indicator is set to zero weights, and the others retain their original weights. The output is a series of tables comparing scores and ranks (see Value).

Note that "removing the indicator" here means more precisely "setting its weight to zero". In most cases the first implies the second, but check that the aggregation method that you are using satisfies this relationship. For example, if the aggregation method does not use any weights, then setting the weight to zero will have no effect.

This function replaces the now-defunct removeElements() from COINr < v1.0.


A list with elements as follows:

  • .$Scores: a data frame where each column is the scores for each unit, with indicator/aggregate corresponding to the column name removed. E.g. .$Scores$Ind1 gives the scores resulting from removing "Ind1".

  • .$Ranks: as above but ranks

  • .$RankDiffs: as above but difference between nominal rank and rank on removing each indicator/aggregate

  • .$RankAbsDiffs: as above but absolute rank differences

  • .$MeanAbsDiffs: as above, but the mean of each column. So it is the mean (over units) absolute rank change resulting from removing each indicator or aggregate.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(quietly = TRUE)

# run function removing elements in level 2
l_res <- remove_elements(coin, Level = 3, dset = "Aggregated", iCode = "Index")

# get summary of rank changes

Replace multiple values in a data frame


Given a data frame (or vector), this function replaces values according to a look up table or dictionary. In COINr this may be useful for exchanging categorical data with numeric scores, prior to assembly. Or for changing codes.


replace_df(df, lookup)



A data frame or a vector


A data frame with columns old (the values to be replaced) and new the values to replace with. See details.


The lookup data frame must not have any duplicated values in the old column. This function looks for exact matches of elements of the old column and replaces them with the corresponding value in the new column. For each row of lookup, the class of the old value must match the class of the new value. This is to keep classes of data frames columns consistent. If you wish to replace with a different class, you should convert classes in your data frame before using this function.

This function replaces the now-defunct replaceDF() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame with replaced values


# replace sub-pillar codes in ASEM indicator metadata
codeswap <- data.frame(old = c("Conn", "Sust"), new = c("SI1", "SI2"))
# swap codes in both iMeta
replace_df(ASEM_iMeta, codeswap)

Round down a data frame


Tiny function just to round down a data frame for display in a table, ignoring non-numeric columns.


round_df(df, decimals = 2)



A data frame to input


The number of decimal places to round to (default 2)


This function replaces the now-defunct roundDF() from COINr < v1.0.


A data frame, with any numeric columns rounded to the specified amount.


round_df(,10,2)), decimals = 3)

Estimate sensitivity indices


Post process a sample to obtain sensitivity indices. This function takes a univariate output which is generated as a result of running a Monte Carlo sample from SA_sample() through a system. Then it estimates sensitivity indices using this sample.


SA_estimate(yy, N, d, Nboot = NULL)



A vector of model output values, as a result of a N(d+2)N(d+2) Monte Carlo design.


The number of sample points per dimension.


The dimensionality of the sample


Number of bootstrap draws for estimates of confidence intervals on sensitivity indices. If this is not specified, bootstrapping is not applied.


This function is built to be used inside get_sensitivity().


A list with the output variance, plus a data frame of first order and total order sensitivity indices for each variable, as well as bootstrapped confidence intervals if !is.null(Nboot).

See Also

  • get_sensitivity() Perform global sensitivity or uncertainty analysis on a COIN

  • SA_sample() Input design for estimating sensitivity indices


# This is a generic example rather than applied to a COIN (for reasons of speed)

# A simple test function
testfunc <- function(x){
x[1] + 2*x[2] + 3*x[3]

# First, generate a sample
X <- SA_sample(500, 3)

# Run sample through test function to get corresponding output for each row
y <- apply(X, 1, testfunc)

# Estimate sensitivity indices using sample
SAinds <- SA_estimate(y, N = 500, d = 3, Nboot = 1000)
# Notice that total order indices have narrower confidence intervals than first order.

Generate sample for sensitivity analysis


Generates an input sample for a Monte Carlo estimation of global sensitivity indices. Used in the get_sensitivity() function. The total sample size will be N(d+2)N(d+2).


SA_sample(N, d)



The number of sample points per dimension.


The dimensionality of the sample


This function generates a Monte Carlo sample as described e.g. in the Global Sensitivity Analysis: The Primer book.


A matrix with N(d+2)N(d+2) rows and d columns.

See Also

  • get_sensitivity() Perform global sensitivity or uncertainty analysis on a COIN.

  • SA_estimate() Estimate sensitivity indices from system output, as a result of input design from SA_sample().


# sensitivity analysis sample for 3 dimensions with 100 points per dimension
X <- SA_sample(100, 3)

Screen units based on data availability


This is a generic function for screening units/rows based on data availability. See method documentation for more details:


Screen(x, ...)



Object to be screened


arguments passed to or from other methods.


This function replaces the now-defunct checkData() from COINr < v1.0.


An object of the same class as x

Screen units based on data availability


Screens units based on a data availability threshold and presence of zeros. Units can be optionally "forced" to be included or excluded, making exceptions for the data availability threshold.


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  nonzero_thresh = NULL,
  Force = NULL,
  out2 = "coin",
  write_to = NULL,



A coin


The data set to be checked/screened


Specifies whether and how to screen units based on data availability or zero values.

  • If set to "byNA", screens units with data availability below dat_thresh

  • If set to "byzeros", screens units with non-zero values below nonzero_thresh

  • If set to "byNAandzeros", screens units based on either of the previous two criteria being true.


A data availability threshold (⁠>= 1⁠ and ⁠<= 0⁠) used for flagging low data and screening units if unit_screen != "none". Default 0.66.


As dat_thresh but for non-zero values. Defaults to 0.05, i.e. it will flag any units with less than 5% non-zero values (equivalently more than 95% zero values).


A data frame with any additional countries to force inclusion or exclusion. Required columns uCode (unit code(s)) and Include (logical: TRUE to include and FALSE to exclude). Specifications here override exclusion/inclusion based on data rules.


Where to output the results. If "COIN" (default for COIN input), appends to updated COIN, otherwise if "list" outputs to data frame.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Screened".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The two main criteria of interest are NA values, and zeros. The summary table gives percentages of NA values for each unit, across indicators, and percentage zero values (as a percentage of non-NA values). Each unit is flagged as having low data or too many zeros based on thresholds.

See also vignette("screening").


An updated coin with data frames showing missing data in .$Analysis, and a new data set .$Data$Screened. If out2 = "list" wraps missing data stats and screened data set into a list.


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin", quietly = TRUE)

# screen units from raw dset
coin <- Screen(coin, dset = "Raw", unit_screen = "byNA",
               dat_thresh = 0.85, write_to = "Filtered_85pc")

# some details about the coin by calling its print method

Screen units based on data availability


Screens units (rows) based on a data availability threshold and presence of zeros. Units can be optionally "forced" to be included or excluded, making exceptions for the data availability threshold.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  id_col = NULL,
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  nonzero_thresh = NULL,
  Force = NULL,



A data frame


Name of column of the data frame to be used as the identifier, e.g. normally this would be uCode for indicator data sets used in coins. This must be specified if Force is specified.


Specifies whether and how to screen units based on data availability or zero values.

  • If set to "byNA", screens units with data availability below dat_thresh

  • If set to "byzeros", screens units with non-zero values below nonzero_thresh

  • If set to "byNAandzeros", screens units based on either of the previous two criteria being true.


A data availability threshold (⁠>= 1⁠ and ⁠<= 0⁠) used for flagging low data and screening units if unit_screen != "none". Default 0.66.


As dat_thresh but for non-zero values. Defaults to 0.05, i.e. it will flag any units with less than 5% non-zero values (equivalently more than 95% zero values).


A data frame with any additional units to force inclusion or exclusion. Required columns uCode (unit code(s)) and Include (logical: TRUE to include and FALSE to exclude). Specifications here override exclusion/inclusion based on data rules.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The two main criteria of interest are NA values, and zeros. The summary table gives percentages of NA values for each unit, across indicators, and percentage zero values (as a percentage of non-NA values). Each unit is flagged as having low data or too many zeros based on thresholds.

See also vignette("screening").


Missing data stats and screened data as a list.


# example data
iData <- ASEM_iData[40:51, c("uCode", "Research", "Pat", "CultServ", "CultGood")]

# screen to 75% data availability (by row)
l_scr <- Screen(iData, unit_screen = "byNA", dat_thresh = 0.75)

# summary of screening

Screen units based on data availability


Screens units based on a data availability threshold and presence of zeros. Units can be optionally "forced" to be included or excluded, making exceptions for the data availability threshold.


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  dat_thresh = NULL,
  nonzero_thresh = NULL,
  Force = NULL,
  write_to = NULL,



A purse object


The data set to be checked/screened


Specifies whether and how to screen units based on data availability or zero values.

  • If set to "byNA", screens units with data availability below dat_thresh

  • If set to "byzeros", screens units with non-zero values below nonzero_thresh

  • If set to "byNAandzeros", screens units based on either of the previous two criteria being true.


A data availability threshold (⁠>= 1⁠ and ⁠<= 0⁠) used for flagging low data and screening units if unit_screen != "none". Default 0.66.


As dat_thresh but for non-zero values. Defaults to 0.05, i.e. it will flag any units with less than 5% non-zero values (equivalently more than 95% zero values).


A data frame with any additional countries to force inclusion or exclusion. Required columns uCode (unit code(s)) and Include (logical: TRUE to include and FALSE to exclude). Specifications here override exclusion/inclusion based on data rules.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Screened".


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The two main criteria of interest are NA values, and zeros. The summary table gives percentages of NA values for each unit, across indicators, and percentage zero values (as a percentage of non-NA values). Each unit is flagged as having low data or too many zeros based on thresholds.

See also vignette("screening").


An updated purse with coins screened and updated.


# see vignette("screening") for an example.

Round a data frame to specified significant figures


Tiny function just to round down a data frame by significant figures for display in a table, ignoring non-numeric columns.


signif_df(df, digits = 3)



A data frame to input


The number of decimal places to round to (default 3)


A data frame, with any numeric columns rounded to the specified amount.


signif_df(,10,2)), digits = 3)

Calculate skewness


Calculates skewness of the values of a numeric vector. This uses the same definition of skewness as the "skewness()" function in the "e1071" package where type == 2, which is equivalent to the definition of skewness used in Excel.


skew(x, na.rm = FALSE)



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


A skewness value (scalar).


x <- runif(20)

Treat outliers


Generic function for treating outliers using a two-step process. See individual method documentation:


Treat(x, ...)



Object to be treated


arguments passed to or from other methods.


See also vignette("treat").

This function replaces the now-defunct treat() from COINr < v1.0.


Treated object plus details.

Treat a data set in a coin for outliers


Operates a two-stage data treatment process on the data set specified by dset, based on two data treatment functions, and a pass/fail function which detects outliers. The method of data treatment can be either specified by the global_specs argument (which applies the same specifications to all indicators in the specified data set), or else (additionally) by the indiv_specs argument which allows different methods to be applied for each indicator. See details. For a simpler function for data treatment, see the wrapper function qTreat().


## S3 method for class 'coin'
  global_specs = NULL,
  indiv_specs = NULL,
  combine_treat = FALSE,
  out2 = "coin",
  write_to = NULL,
  write2log = TRUE,
  disable = FALSE,



A coin


A named data set available in .$Data


A list specifying the treatment to apply to all columns. This will be applied to all columns, except any that are specified in the indiv_specs argument. Alternatively, set to "none" to apply no treatment. See details.


A list specifying any individual treatment to apply to specific columns, overriding global_specs for those columns. See details.


By default, if f1 fails to pass f_pass, then f2 is applied to the original x, rather than the treated output of f1. If combine_treat = TRUE, f2 will instead be applied to the output of f1, so the two treatments will be combined.


The type of function output: either "coin" to return an updated coin, or "list" to return a list with treated data and treatment details.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Treated".


Logical: if FALSE, the arguments of this function are not written to the coin log, so this function will not be invoked when regenerating. Recommend to keep TRUE unless you have a good reason to do otherwise.


Logical: if TRUE will disable data treatment completely and write the unaltered data set. This option is mainly useful in sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (to test the effect of turning imputation on/off).


arguments passed to or from other methods.


An updated coin with a new data set .Data$Treated added, plus analysis information in .$Analysis$Treated.

Global specifications

If the same method of data treatment should be applied to all indicators, use the global_specs argument. This argument takes a structured list which looks like this:

global_specs = list(f1 = .,
                    f1_para = list(.),
                    f2 = .,
                    f2_para = list(.),
                    f_pass = .,
                    f_pass_para = list()

The entries in this list correspond to arguments in Treat.numeric(), and the meanings of each are also described in more detail here below. In brief, f1 is the name of a function to apply at the first round of data treatment, f1_para is a list of any additional parameters to pass to f1, f2 and f2_para are equivalently the function name and parameters of the second round of data treatment, and f_pass and f_pass_para are the function and additional arguments to check for the existence of outliers.

The default values for global_specs are as follows:

global_specs = list(f1 = "winsorise",
                     f1_para = list(na.rm = TRUE,
                                    winmax = 5,
                                    skew_thresh = 2,
                                    kurt_thresh = 3.5,
                                    force_win = FALSE),
                     f2 = "log_CT",
                     f2_para = list(na.rm = TRUE),
                     f_pass = "check_SkewKurt",
                     f_pass_para = list(na.rm = TRUE,
                                        skew_thresh = 2,
                                        kurt_thresh = 3.5))

This shows that by default (i.e. if global_specs is not specified), each indicator is checked for outliers by the check_SkewKurt() function, which uses skew and kurtosis thresholds as its parameters. Then, if outliers exist, the first function winsorise() is applied, which also uses skew and kurtosis parameters, as well as a maximum number of winsorised points. If the Winsorisation function does not satisfy f_pass, the log_CT() function is invoked.

To change the global specifications, you don't have to supply the whole list. If, for example, you are happy with all the defaults but want to simply change the maximum number of Winsorised points, you could specify e.g. global_specs = list(f1_para = list(winmax = 3)). In other words, a subset of the list can be specified, as long as the structure of the list is correct.

Individual specifications

The indiv_specs argument allows different specifications for each indicator. This is done by wrapping multiple lists of the format of the list described in global_specs into one single list, named according to the column names of x. For example, if the date set has indicators with codes "x1", "x2" and "x3", we could specify individual treatment as follows:

indiv_specs = list(x1 = list(.),
                   x2 = list(.)
                   x3 = list(.))

where each list(.) is a specifications list of the same format as global_specs. Any indicators that are not named in indiv_specs are treated using the specifications from global_specs (which will be the defaults if it is not specified). As with global_specs, a subset of the global_specs list may be specified for each entry. Additionally, as a special case, specifying a list entry as e.g. x1 = "none" will apply no data treatment to the indicator "x1". See vignette("treat") for examples of individual treatment.

Function methodology

This function is set up to allow any functions to be passed as the data treatment functions (f1 and f2), as well as any function to be passed as the outlier detection function f_pass, as specified in the global_specs and indiv_specs arguments.

The arrangement of this function is inspired by a fairly standard data treatment process applied to indicators, which consists of checking skew and kurtosis, then if the criteria are not met, applying Winsorisation up to a specified limit. Then if Winsorisation still does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits, applying a nonlinear transformation such as log or Box-Cox.

This function generalises this process by using the following general steps:

  1. Check if variable passes or fails using f_pass

  2. If f_pass returns FALSE, apply f1, else return x unmodified

  3. Check again using *f_pass

  4. If f_pass still returns FALSE, apply f2

  5. Return the modified x as well as other information.

For the "typical" case described above f1 is a Winsorisation function, f2 is a nonlinear transformation and f_pass is a skew and kurtosis check. Parameters can be passed to each of these three functions in a named list, for example to specify a maximum number of points to Winsorise, or Box-Cox parameters, or anything else. The constraints are that:

  • All of f1, f2 and f_pass must follow the format ⁠function(x, f_para)⁠, where x is a numerical vector, and f_para is a list of other function parameters to be passed to the function, which is specified by f1_para for f1 and similarly for the other functions. If the function has no parameters other than x, then f_para can be omitted.

  • f1 and f2 should return either a list with .$x as the modified numerical vector, and any other information to be attached to the list, OR, simply x as the only output.

  • f_pass must return a logical value, where TRUE indicates that the x passes the criteria (and therefore doesn't need any (more) treatment), and FALSE means that it fails to meet the criteria.

See also vignette("treat").


# build example coin
coin <- build_example_coin(up_to = "new_coin")

# treat raw data set
coin <- Treat(coin, dset = "Raw")

# summary of treatment for each indicator

Treat a data frame for outliers


Operates a two-stage data treatment process, based on two data treatment functions, and a pass/fail function which detects outliers. The method of data treatment can be either specified by the global_specs argument (which applies the same specifications to all columns in x), or else (additionally) by the indiv_specs argument which allows different methods to be applied for each column. See details. For a simpler function for data treatment, see the wrapper function qTreat().


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
Treat(x, global_specs = NULL, indiv_specs = NULL, combine_treat = FALSE, ...)



A data frame. Can have both numeric and non-numeric columns.


A list specifying the treatment to apply to all columns. This will be applied to all columns, except any that are specified in the indiv_specs argument. Alternatively, set to "none" to apply no treatment. See details.


A list specifying any individual treatment to apply to specific columns, overriding global_specs for those columns. See details.


By default, if f1 fails to pass f_pass, then f2 is applied to the original x, rather than the treated output of f1. If combine_treat = TRUE, f2 will instead be applied to the output of f1, so the two treatments will be combined.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


A treated data frame of data

Global specifications

If the same method of data treatment should be applied to all the columns, use the global_specs argument. This argument takes a structured list which looks like this:

global_specs = list(f1 = .,
                    f1_para = list(.),
                    f2 = .,
                    f2_para = list(.),
                    f_pass = .,
                    f_pass_para = list()

The entries in this list correspond to arguments in Treat.numeric(), and the meanings of each are also described in more detail here below. In brief, f1 is the name of a function to apply at the first round of data treatment, f1_para is a list of any additional parameters to pass to f1, f2 and f2_para are equivalently the function name and parameters of the second round of data treatment, and f_pass and f_pass_para are the function and additional arguments to check for the existence of outliers.

The default values for global_specs are as follows:

global_specs = list(f1 = "winsorise",
                     f1_para = list(na.rm = TRUE,
                                    winmax = 5,
                                    skew_thresh = 2,
                                    kurt_thresh = 3.5,
                                    force_win = FALSE),
                     f2 = "log_CT",
                     f2_para = list(na.rm = TRUE),
                     f_pass = "check_SkewKurt",
                     f_pass_para = list(na.rm = TRUE,
                                        skew_thresh = 2,
                                        kurt_thresh = 3.5))

This shows that by default (i.e. if global_specs is not specified), each column is checked for outliers by the check_SkewKurt() function, which uses skew and kurtosis thresholds as its parameters. Then, if outliers exist, the first function winsorise() is applied, which also uses skew and kurtosis parameters, as well as a maximum number of winsorised points. If the Winsorisation function does not satisfy f_pass, the log_CT() function is invoked.

To change the global specifications, you don't have to supply the whole list. If, for example, you are happy with all the defaults but want to simply change the maximum number of Winsorised points, you could specify e.g. global_specs = list(f1_para = list(winmax = 3)). In other words, a subset of the list can be specified, as long as the structure of the list is correct.

Individual specifications

The indiv_specs argument allows different specifications for each column in x. This is done by wrapping multiple lists of the format of the list described in global_specs into one single list, named according to the column names of x. For example, if x has column names "x1", "x2" and "x3", we could specify individual treatment as follows:

indiv_specs = list(x1 = list(.),
                   x2 = list(.)
                   x3 = list(.))

where each list(.) is a specifications list of the same format as global_specs. Any columns that are not named in indiv_specs are treated using the specifications from global_specs (which will be the defaults if it is not specified). As with global_specs, a subset of the global_specs list may be specified for each entry. Additionally, as a special case, specifying a list entry as e.g. x1 = "none" will apply no data treatment to the column "x1". See vignette("treat") for examples of individual treatment.

Function methodology

This function is set up to allow any functions to be passed as the data treatment functions (f1 and f2), as well as any function to be passed as the outlier detection function f_pass, as specified in the global_specs and indiv_specs arguments.

The arrangement of this function is inspired by a fairly standard data treatment process applied to indicators, which consists of checking skew and kurtosis, then if the criteria are not met, applying Winsorisation up to a specified limit. Then if Winsorisation still does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits, applying a nonlinear transformation such as log or Box-Cox.

This function generalises this process by using the following general steps:

  1. Check if variable passes or fails using f_pass

  2. If f_pass returns FALSE, apply f1, else return x unmodified

  3. Check again using *f_pass

  4. If f_pass still returns FALSE, apply f2

  5. Return the modified x as well as other information.

For the "typical" case described above f1 is a Winsorisation function, f2 is a nonlinear transformation and f_pass is a skew and kurtosis check. Parameters can be passed to each of these three functions in a named list, for example to specify a maximum number of points to Winsorise, or Box-Cox parameters, or anything else. The constraints are that:

  • All of f1, f2 and f_pass must follow the format ⁠function(x, f_para)⁠, where x is a numerical vector, and f_para is a list of other function parameters to be passed to the function, which is specified by f1_para for f1 and similarly for the other functions. If the function has no parameters other than x, then f_para can be omitted.

  • f1 and f2 should return either a list with .$x as the modified numerical vector, and any other information to be attached to the list, OR, simply x as the only output.

  • f_pass must return a logical value, where TRUE indicates that the x passes the criteria (and therefore doesn't need any (more) treatment), and FALSE means that it fails to meet the criteria.

See also vignette("treat").


# select three indicators
df1 <- ASEM_iData[c("Flights", "Goods", "Services")]

# treat the data frame using defaults
l_treat <- Treat(df1)

# details of data treatment for each column

Treat a numeric vector for outliers


Operates a two-stage data treatment process, based on two data treatment functions, and a pass/fail function which detects outliers. This function is set up to allow any functions to be passed as the data treatment functions (f1 and f2), as well as any function to be passed as the outlier detection function f_pass.


## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  f1_para = NULL,
  f2 = NULL,
  f2_para = NULL,
  f_pass_para = NULL,
  combine_treat = FALSE,



A numeric vector.


First stage data treatment function e.g. as a string.


First stage data treatment function parameters as a named list.


First stage data treatment function as a string.


First stage data treatment function parameters as a named list.


A string specifying an outlier detection function - see details. Default "check_SkewKurt"


Any further arguments to pass to f_pass(), as a named list.


By default, if f1 fails to pass f_pass, then f2 is applied to the original x, rather than the treated output of f1. If combine_treat = TRUE, f2 will instead be applied to the output of f1, so the two treatments will be combined.


arguments passed to or from other methods.


The arrangement of this function is inspired by a fairly standard data treatment process applied to indicators, which consists of checking skew and kurtosis, then if the criteria are not met, applying Winsorisation up to a specified limit. Then if Winsorisation still does not bring skew and kurtosis within limits, applying a nonlinear transformation such as log or Box-Cox.

This function generalises this process by using the following general steps:

  1. Check if variable passes or fails using f_pass

  2. If f_pass returns FALSE, apply f1, else return x unmodified

  3. Check again using *f_pass

  4. If f_pass still returns FALSE, apply f2 (by default to the original x, see combine_treat parameter)

  5. Return the modified x as well as other information.

For the "typical" case described above f1 is a Winsorisation function, f2 is a nonlinear transformation and f_pass is a skew and kurtosis check. Parameters can be passed to each of these three functions in a named list, for example to specify a maximum number of points to Winsorise, or Box-Cox parameters, or anything else. The constraints are that:

  • All of f1, f2 and f_pass must follow the format ⁠function(x, f_para)⁠, where x is a numerical vector, and f_para is a list of other function parameters to be passed to the function, which is specified by f1_para for f1 and similarly for the other functions. If the function has no parameters other than x, then f_para can be omitted.

  • f1 and f2 should return either a list with .$x as the modified numerical vector, and any other information to be attached to the list, OR, simply x as the only output.

  • f_pass must return a logical value, where TRUE indicates that the x passes the criteria (and therefore doesn't need any (more) treatment), and FALSE means that it fails to meet the criteria.

See also vignette("treat").


A treated vector of data.


# numbers between 1 and 10
x <- 1:10

# two outliers
x <- c(x, 30, 100)

# check whether passes skew/kurt test

# treat using winsorisation
l_treat <- Treat(x, f1 = "winsorise", f1_para = list(winmax = 2),
                 f_pass = "check_SkewKurt")

# plot original against treated
plot(x, l_treat$x)

Treat a purse of coins for outliers


This function calls Treat.coin() for each coin in the purse. See the documentation of that function for details. See also vignette("treat").


## S3 method for class 'purse'
  global_specs = NULL,
  indiv_specs = NULL,
  combine_treat = FALSE,
  write_to = NULL,
  disable = FALSE,



A purse object


The data set to treat in each coin.


Default specifications. See details in Treat.coin().


Individual specifications. See details in Treat.coin().


By default, if f1 fails to pass f_pass, then f2 is applied to the original x, rather than the treated output of f1. If combine_treat = TRUE, f2 will instead be applied to the output of f1, so the two treatments will be combined.


If specified, writes the aggregated data to .$Data[[write_to]]. Default write_to = "Treated".


Logical: if TRUE will disable data treatment completely and write the unaltered data set. This option is mainly useful in sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (to test the effect of turning imputation on/off).


arguments passed to or from other methods.


An updated purse with new treated data sets added at .$Data$Treated in each coin, plus analysis information at .$Analysis$Treated


# See `vignette("treat")`.

Convert uCodes to uNames


Convert uCodes to uNames


ucodes_to_unames(coin, uCodes)



A coin


A vector of uCodes


Vector of uNames

Winsorise a vector


Follows a "standard" Winsorisation approach: points are successively Winsorised in order to bring skew and kurtosis thresholds within specified limits. Specifically, aims to bring absolute skew to below a threshold (default 2.25) and kurtosis below another threshold (default 3.5).


  na.rm = FALSE,
  winmax = 5,
  skew_thresh = 2,
  kurt_thresh = 3.5,
  force_win = FALSE



A numeric vector.


Set TRUE to remove NA values, otherwise returns NA.


Maximum number of points to Winsorise. Default 5. Set NULL to have no limit.


A threshold for absolute skewness (positive). Default 2.25.


A threshold for kurtosis. Default 3.5.


Logical: if TRUE, forces winsorisation up to winmax (regardless of skew/kurt). Default FALSE. Note - this option should be used with care because the direction of Winsorisation is based on the direction of skew. Successively Winsorising can switch the direction of skew and hence the direction of Winsorisation, which may not produce the expected behaviour.


Winsorisation here is defined as reassigning the point with the highest/lowest value with the value of the next highest/lowest point. Whether to Winsorise at the high or low end of the scale is decided by the direction of the skewness of x.

This function replaces the now-defunct coin_win() from COINr < v1.0.


A list containing winsorised data, number of winsorised points, and the individual points that were treated.


# numbers between 1 and 10
x <- 1:10

# two outliers
x <- c(x, 30, 100)

# winsorise
l_win <- winsorise(x, skew_thresh = 2, kurt_thresh = 3.5)

# see treated vector, number of winsorised points and details

World denomination data


A small selection of common denominator indicators, which includes GDP, Population, Area, GDP per capita and income group. All data sourced from the World Bank as of Feb 2021 (data is typically from 2019). Note that this is intended as example data, and it would be a good idea to use updated data from the World Bank when needed. In this data set, country names have been altered slightly so as to include no accents - this is simply to make it more portable between distributions.




A data frame with 249 rows and 7 variables.
